“Bowling for charity, I like it,” he said, feeling even better that he’d tagged along. Blue Moon Bay was a close-knit community, so it didn’t surprise him that residents supported one another during what could be a challenging time of year for some.

Maybe he’d fill some of his free time by throwing some balls himself.

“Thought you would,” she said. Their gazes met and held for a long beat.

From the corner of his eye, he saw her teammates staring, taking in the interaction. Best to keep things as cool and casual as possible in front of their audience. He cleared his throat and nodded toward the group of gawkers. “I think they’re waiting for you.”

She blushed. “Right. I’m up first.”

“Good luck,” he said, sliding over into her vacated spot on the bench to get a better view. When she bent to pick up the ball, his mouth went dry. Her ass in skin-tight jeans was the sexiest ass he’d ever seen. He was actually jealous of the light, faded, stretchy denim. Over the last two days, it had been nearly impossible not to check her out whenever she wasn’t looking. The curvy hips and thin waist, full chest and round, soft-looking skin were so incredibly tempting. She was 100 percent his type. She checked all of the boxes physically with the long dark hair, soft features, and vibrant, expressive eyes, and her cheery personality was almost too good to be true.

He watched as she swung the ball back then released it down the center of the lane. It connected just slightly left of the middle Christmas tree and sent all the pins scattering. Her hips wiggled and she raised her arms in a victory dance as their team took the lead, and his body instantly reacted to the intoxicating sight. There was no way he was going to be able to say good night to her this evening without kissing her.

Luckily, she’d seemed to have drawn the same conclusion.

As soon as he put the car in park in her driveway two hours later, she was moving toward him. “I’m sorry, I’m not waiting on you any longer,” she said before her mouth crushed his.

Surprise had him hesitating only for a fraction of a second before his arms went around her waist and he pulled her closer. Her arms circled his neck and she pressed her chest higher into his, closing the gap between their bodies. The smell of her soft, gingerbread-scented body lotion tantalized his senses and made his mouth water. He wasn’t normally a fan of gingerbread, but right now, given the chance, he’d lick her entire body.

Her lips were warm, soft, and full, everything he’d thought they’d be. Inviting, intoxicating kisses full of desire had his body awakening in ways it hadn’t in quite some time. His grip on her tightened and he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue between her lips. She moaned softly against his mouth. He was a goner.

Her hands tangled in the back of his hair as she draped one leg over his, bringing her body even closer. She held him in place, kissing him harder, and her confidence and assertiveness in that moment blew him away. Such a contrast to the sweet, cute woman he’d met in the bakery only two days before.

Her contradictory qualities captivated him. How many more sides were there to Jess? He wanted to know them all.

His hands slid up the side of her slowly, until he felt the edge of her underwire under her shirt. He paused, torturously close to her breasts. He wouldn’t go any further. This was a first kiss…

But then she reached for his hand and placed it over her breast, and he pretty much fell in love despite his claims that he wouldn’t. He massaged the beautiful mound gently until they were both panting with desire.

She reluctantly pulled away and her eyes opened and met his. “Too fast,” she said, catching her breath.

He lowered his hand back to her waist, forcing his own body to simmer down. The evidence of her effect on him was impossible to conceal. He cleared his throat and nodded. “Definitely too fast.”

She frowned. “Yeah?”

He laughed and touched her flushed cheek. “I don’t know. You’re in control here, Jess.” He’d take her that very moment right there in the car if it was up to him. But their pace would always be her call.

“Wonderful, now I want you even more,” she said with a strangled-sounding laugh full of desperate desire he could totally relate to.

“There’s no rush.” Despite her words, he knew she wasn’t fully ready to take things further. Which he was completely okay with. Her pace. Her rules.

She sighed as she slowly slid her leg off of his and moved back into the passenger seat. He held onto her hand and kissed it, savoring the feel of her warm flesh against his lips. He glanced up at her, and her expression full of emotion and obvious attraction was one that should have terrified him, but it didn’t.

“I’ll walk you to your door?”

She nodded. “Probably for the best.”

He wasn’t so sure about that, but he was prepared to wait as long as necessary. This holiday season just got a whole lot more interesting, and he was fully onboard for whatever happened next.

Chapter Seven

December 6th…19 Days Until Christmas…

Jessica hummed a holiday tune as she opened her oven the next morning and took out a fresh batch of cinnamon rolls. The tantalizing scent reached her nose and she smiled appraisingly at the pastries as she placed them on the cooling rack.

Everything was turning out to perfection this morning.