Though she suspected her emotions were about to go on a ride of their own.

The sand was still warm from the heat of that day’s sun as they walked barefoot down the beach. Everyone had abandoned it for the fairgrounds, and the farther they moved away from the bright lights and noise, the more alone they were. Walking along in silence, the waves rolling up on the shore was the only sound.

Wes reached across and took Sarah’s sandals from her, carrying them in one hand with his.

“Thank you,” she said, sounding suddenly shy.

He hadn’t anticipated how intimate this would feel. The two of them alone, just the glow of the moon reflecting off the water…

“So is everything ready for the reunion?” he asked, immediately regretting the casual, non-intimate question. Slipping back into friend territory wasn’t the objective, but he wasn’t sure how to do this. It had been years since he’d dated, and this wasn’t just some woman—this was Sarah.

They had a shared history, and they knew each other really well, even better since she’d been back in town…it was different with her. And after the kiss fiasco, he suspected he might only have one more shot at this. He wanted to get it right.

“Yes, I think so,” she said. “Everything’s booked, guests are confirmed, the B&B is ready…thanks to you.”

“Are you looking forward to heading back to L.A. once it’s over?” He didn’t know why her answer mattered so much all of a sudden. He knew she was going back, but a small part of him hoped she was at least a little bit sad about leaving.

“Not as much as I thought I’d be,” she said, looking at him.

Their eyes caught and held. She was so incredibly beautiful, he couldn’t look away. Especially the way the moonlight caught in her eyes. Her dark hair blowing around her bare shoulders and the curve of her gorgeous body had his body betraying his common sense to take things slow.

“We will be sad to see you leave,” he said. “I’llbe sad to see you leave.”

She looked as torn as he felt as they stopped walking. He turned toward her and dropped their shoes into the sand, taking her hands in his and moving several inches closer. He heard a heart beating and he couldn’t be sure if it was hers or his.

“Sarah…I don’t know what’s happening the last few weeks, but I want you to know how grateful I am for everything you’ve done for Marissa.”

She nodded, looking slightly disappointed. “Grateful.”

“More than grateful.” He released one of her hands and touched her cheek. “I’ve also liked spending time with you…even if I didn’t always agree with the choices you were making regarding the upgrades.”

She laughed, and the sound warmed him to his core. “I’ve enjoyed spending time with you, too,” she said. She stared up at him, and the questioning look in her gaze was one he had no answers to. All he did know was that he wanted a do-over on that kiss.

He tangled his hand into her hair and slowly lowered his head to hers. She smelled like the salty sea air around them, and the nervous way her eyes flitted between his eyes and lips had him wanting to kiss her even more.

“I want to try that kiss again,” he said.

He saw her gulp. “You know you don’t deserve another shot at it, right?” she asked, but her tone belied the words. It was full of longing and desire.

“I do know that, but I’m hoping you’d be willing to forgive and forget?”

She swallowed hard as she nodded.

He lowered his head even closer, and she stood on tiptoes to close the gap between them. Her mouth was warm, soft…and this time, he was prepared.

He grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, their feet sinking into the sand. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she deepened the kiss, savoring his mouth. The flavors of mint and vanilla mingled together—his gum, her lip gloss…and they tasted good together. They felt good together, the way their bodies molded into each other, the perfectly in-sync rhythm of the kiss. It wasn’t just chemistry or lust…it was something deeper. Something a lot like love.

Which had him absolutely terrified but all in. He’d always been intimidated by her. She was so far out of his league. Still was, but right now he didn’t care…he just wanted her.

Picking her up into his arms, he knelt on the sand and carefully lowered her onto it. Lying on his side, he rested her head in his hand as he continued to kiss her more desperately. He felt his entire body come alive. It had been so long since a woman had him feeling this way.

Breathless, he pulled back to look at her. “Sarah, I…”

“Me too,” she said, reading his thoughts.

He wanted her, right there on the beach. There was no one around, but anyone could walk by. Thickening in the front of his shorts was begging for him to think of something, and the look of pleading desire in Sarah’s expression just added that much more pressure.