Sarah rolled her eyes.

“Though we are both worried about this decision. I thought once the will was read, you’d made up your mind to sell for whatever you could get for it. The place really was dangerous.”

She couldn’t exactly argue when she’d fallen through the staircase, but that was before. “It will be fine, Mom,” she said, turning the journal over in her hands. “Wes and his crew have really made the place feel like new, and tell Dad not to worry; I have insurance.”

“Oh, you heard him.”


“He just wants what’s best for you. We both do.”

“I know.” She did know, but sometimes she wished her practical, down-to-earth parents would encourage her to take risks. She’d always played it safe, going into a career that was in her wheelhouse, doing what she was good at.

But maybe getting out of her comfort zone and trying something new was a good thing. Being back there hadn’t been the headache she’d assumed it would be…at least not completely.

“Well, just be sensible about this, and when it doesn’t work, let it go, move on. Don’t hold on to it too long just because you don’t want to admit failure.”

Zero confidence in her abilities to pull this off.

“Okay, Mom. I should go.” She wanted so badly to ask her mom about the journal and Jack, but something made her pause.

“Oh, okay… Was there another reason you called?”

She stared at the embossed cover, running a finger along the design. “Um…did Grandma ever mention a friend of hers—a Jack Harrison?” Just the simple question made her feel odd, like she was somehow betraying her grandmother’s trust.

“Jack Harrison… No, I’ve never heard that name before. Why do you ask?”

“No reason. He just passed along his condolences, that’s all.” Such an understatement. “Anyway, I should go. Just wanted to let you know my plans…for now.”

“All right, darling. We trust you know what you’re doing.”

“Bye, Mom.” Disconnecting the call, Sarah lay back on her bed, clutching the journal to her chest.

If her grandmother had kept this secret so long, maybe it was better it stay that way. After all, it wasn’t Sarah’s secret to tell.

The renovations were done.

Wes toured the B&B, a sense of pride and accomplishment washing over him. They’d pulled off a ridiculous amount of work in a short time, and the place looked better than ever. Dove’s Nest was once again a place tourists would be happy to visit.

Unfortunately, the construction project being done meant he didn’t need to be at the B&B every day anymore, and it brought them one step closer to Sarah leaving town again.

Maybe his team should have worked a little slower.

Or maybe it was time to man up and ask Sarah out. Spend time with her in a different setting, with a different purpose. A sole purpose of exploring the connection between them and letting things sort themselves out whatever way they were meant to. He’d fought his attraction long enough, and he couldn’t keep fooling himself into believing the kiss had meant nothing.

He scanned the dining room and kitchen for Sarah, then heard her voice coming from the den. He checked his reflection in the mirror in the hallway above the antique table, running a hand through his hair and wiping a speck of dirt from his forehead. Maybe he should wait until after he’d showered and changed…

Nope. If he didn’t do this now, he might not ever.

Before he could talk himself out of it, he headed into the den. “Hey…”

“Wait! Don’t look!” Marissa said, turning her laptop away from him as he entered.

Sarah quickly shut down her screen as well.

His surprise. Marissa still hadn’t told him what it was. “Sorry to interrupt—I just wanted to let Sarah know that we’re done.”