“Is that what this reunion is about?” he asked gently.

Lia studied her perfectly manicured fingers. “Maybe a little. I guess I’m hoping that bringing our families together might reignite a spark or something.” She paused. “So…Marissa tells me you get a lot of attention from the single moms in town.”

He groaned at the change of subject. He’d rather be talking aboutherlove life. His was basically nonexistent…or it had been until Sarah had planted that kiss on him. “She’s noticed, huh?”

“FYI—she notices everything. Seriously, though, anyone caught your eye?” She sat on the sofa, curling her legs under her.

Should he tell her about his connection to Sarah, the kiss? He wasn’t eager to know her opinion on that yet or confess his embarrassing retreat, so he shrugged as he sat next to her. “Not really…I don’t know. Besides, this place isn’t exactly a bachelor pad.”

There were signs of Marissa and Kelly everywhere in the house, including all the family photos still hanging on the walls.

What was the right way to deal with those things? When Wes finally decided he was ready to move on, what did they do with all of Kelly’s memories? Just one of many reasons to stay single and keep any developing feelings for Sarah repressed.

“So, how are things going at the B&B with Sarah?” she asked. Was she asking out of simple curiosity or was she fishing for information? He couldn’t detect if she sensed anything between them or not, but someone would have to be completely out of tune to not have picked up a vibe between him and Sarah that morning. He’d tried to keep things casual, light…but there’d been unresolved tension.

“Fine. Why?”

She studied him. “Were you two close in high school? Before she moved away?”

“We were…friends, and she tutored me in math all through my junior and senior year. She’s probably the only reason I graduated.” He leaned back against the cushions and stretched his legs out in front of him.

At the time, he hadn’t realized just how much he owed Sarah, but looking back, he would have failed miserably without her. She not only helped him understand the math concepts, she kept him on track and focused whenever he wanted to quit.

“Have you guys kept in touch over the years?” Lia asked.

“Nah, not really. Just online, but those connections never feel real, you know?” He wasn’t a fan of Facebook or Instagram… But when she went back to L.A., maybe he would use those online programs more to stay in touch. “I think she might actually pull off this reopening. Dove’s Nest is important to the people around here.” He shot her a look.

“What about Sarah? Is she important to the people around here?” Lia asked pointedly.

Wes sighed. “I don’t know yet.” He paused and relented under Lia’s look. “I mean, I do know, I’m just not ready to admit it. Did you ever think adult life would be this complicated?”

“If by ‘complicated,’ you mean ‘shitty,’ then nope,” she said. “I did not.”

Chapter Seventeen

Sitting on the edge of the bed the following morning, Sarah reached inside the bedside table drawer and took out her grandmother’s journal. She’d met her grandmother’s mystery man, but she was still no closer to knowing what had happened between them. And the next entry in Dove’s journal only made things even more complicated.

Dear Jack,

I saw you today. On the docks.

I don’t think the pieces of my shattered heart will ever be glued back together. It was you. On the street. And you walked by me as though I were a stranger.

I called to you as you passed, but you kept walking.

I ran after you and grabbed your arm, but you pretended to be someone else.

You must have recognized me, yet your face held no trace of love or familiarity.

My world has never been so lonely. You didn’t tell me you were coming home. I had no idea you were so close. You are here now, but you are further away than ever.

You slipped into the crowd gathered on Main Street to welcome the soldiers home, and it was Martin who comforted me and told me what had happened.

The reason you weren’t yourself any longer.

He said you acted like someone I didn’t know because you weren’t that man anymore. War changes men, and that has never been truer than for you.

I’m not giving up, though.