Page 87 of In His Protection

“What? I don’t have that kind of money, however much it might be.”

“I do. Think a hundred thousand would do it? I can get my hands on that right now. More, it would take some time.” He paced to one end of his office, then back. “Actually, it might be good if it’s more. You can tell Grant, or whoever’s collecting his money, that that’s all you could get this fast. If it’s not enough, then they need to give you more time.”

“That might work, but if it doesn’t, I don’t see Grant letting either one of us go.” She doubted Grant intended to let either one of them go even if it was enough money.

Parker’s phone played “Secret Agent Man.” He pulled his cell from his pocket. “That’s Kade. There’s no one better to help us come up with a plan. I’ll put him on speaker.”

“Wish you were here, brother,” Parker said. “We have a situation.”

“Tristan called a while ago, said about the same thing, but he’s not answering his phone.”

“He’s not answering because some assholes are holding him hostage. They beat him up, Kade.”

“Tell me everything,” he said, his voice turning hard and menacing.

“Skylar’s here with me. I’ll let her fill you in.” He handed her his phone. “I need to check on Everly. Make sure the boys are keeping her close.”

“I’m so sorry, Kade. This is my fault.”

“How so?”

She told him about Danny, the rumors, and Grant’s demand today for his money. Her phone rang, Johnny’s name coming up. “Hold on a minute.” She switched phones, leaving the line open on Parker’s phone. “I can’t talk right now, Johnny.”

“Where are you? I’m supposed to be with you at all times if you leave the building.”

“I know, but it couldn’t be helped. Listen, I’m with Parker, so I’m safe, but I have to go.”

“The chief’s missing.” She put him on speaker so Kade could hear. “Vee called, wanting to know if he was with you. His car’s on the side of the road about three miles from here, and he’s nowhere to be found.”

He must have stopped to help someone or made a traffic stop, except it was Grant or one of his people. “Johnny, I know, and I’m handling it.”

“Not by yourself you’re not. Where are you, Sheriff?”

“I’m sorry, but I have to go.” She disconnected. When this was over, she’d explain why she couldn’t include him. Hopefully he wasn’t one to hold a grudge.

“How long now before you’re supposed to meet Grant?” Kade asked.

She checked her watch. “Two hours and twenty-five minutes.”

“I’ll see you in about an hour and a half.”

“Wait, what?”

“Are you at the firehouse?”

“Yes, but—”

“Stay there, Skylar.” He disconnected.


Chapter Forty-Seven

The next time Tristan saw Kade, he was going to give his brother a big smack right on his lips. Kade had taught both him and Parker how to get out of zip tie handcuffs. For that, he would be forever grateful.

The first mistake Drake had made was to cuff Tristan’s hands in front of him. He still could have broken the ties if his hands were behind him, but it would have been much harder. Unfortunately, they’d roughed him up before he had a chance to break the ties, or he would have fought back. Now his hands were free, but his legs were duct taped to a chair. He couldn’t do anything about that unless they left him alone.

They were in a rental cabin about ten miles outside of town, one of the many the Mackel family owned around the area. Tristan found that darkly amusing. If Miss Mabel knew a major drug dealer, his enforcer, and a dirty cop were using one of her vacation cabins for criminal activity, she’d march in and vanquish all three with her cane.