Page 72 of In His Protection

“I didn’t forget,” he softly said, a touch of sadness (or was that disappointment in her?) in his voice. He touched his lips to her nose, then he dropped kisses on his way back down her body. He slid her sleep pants down and off and made good on his promise that stars would dance in front of her eyes, but there was a heaviness hanging over them now.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Still on for house hunting?

Tristan hit Send on the text. Last night had been incredible, and then this morning had started great when Skye returned to his bed. She hadn’t had much laughter in her life the last few months in Florida, or here for the past year, and he loved giving her that. It was one of the many sounds he loved hearing from her. He was a firm believer that sex didn’t always have to be serious. Hot and heavy serious sex was awesome for sure, but sex and laughter were fun, and he liked seeing her having fun.

It was the first morning that she’d come back to him after sneaking off to the downstairs bedroom at dawn. That had made him happy, had put him in a playful mood. Then something had happened. He wasn’t sure what exactly, but she hadn’t denied it when he’d said she was thinking of all the reasons they couldn’t be together. It all went back to what her ex had done to her, and Tristan didn’t know how to get her past that, for her to believe he would never be the reason she’d have to leave another job and town she loved.

Dots appeared on his phone screen, and he felt like a fifteen-year-old boy waiting to see if his crush liked him back. The atmosphere had been tense when he’d driven her to work. She hadn’t said anything about that, but he knew she resented the loss of her freedom to go and come as she pleased.

If U R busy Johnny can go with me.

Not busy. See U at 4.


She was retreating, putting those damn walls back up. He wanted to shake some sense into her, wanted to tell her he was in love with her. Falling in love with her hadn’t been a sudden thing where he blinked his eyes and said, “Oh my God, I’m in love with this woman.” It had happened slowly, beginning the night they met. He wasn’t sure how she’d managed it, but she’d made a home for herself in his heart.

Yes, he hadn’t expected to see her again, but within minutes of leaving her, he’d known he’d made a mistake not getting her phone number. He hadn’t even paid attention to her license plate to know what state she lived in.

He’d almost gone back to the hotel. As the police chief, he could have gotten her information. But she’d been the one to insist on first names, and he had to respect that. For the month between then and when she’d shown up as the new sheriff, he’d thought about her constantly. In the year he’d spent being around her, wanting her, being impressed by her, he’d fallen in love with her. So no, it wasn’t overnight, and it wasn’t a passing fancy.

Maybe he was a fool.

Chapter Forty

That bomb blast going off in her mind was a wake-up call. She couldn’t let herself be in love with Tristan. Too late, kiddo. Skye refused to listen to that voice in her head. There were too many complications, therefore she was not in love with him. It was time to put distance between them before she really did fall in love with him.

The first thing she needed to do was find somewhere else to stay until she had her own place. It was impossible to resist him when she was living in his house where he was free to touch her, to send her those heated looks. Tonight, she’d check the Marsville Observer classifieds to see if there was a rent by the week or month apartment available.

She glanced at the clock. Twenty minutes before he was supposed to be here to go house hunting with her. He’d ignored her offer to let him off the hook, but she tried again.

Don’t want to disrupt your day. Johnny’s free to go with.

“No need to tie up Johnny’s time. I’m here,” Tristan said as he walked into her office, his eyes on his phone. He lifted his gaze to her. “Side note. There’s no one else on earth I’d rather have disrupt my day than you.”

She ignored the way her heart fluttered at his words. “You’re early.”

“I am. Didn’t want you to skip out on me.” His mouth quirked up in an I’ve got your number, Sheriff.

He was too good at reading her mind. Fuzz trotted around her desk, his tail madly wagging in his excitement to see Tristan. She’d told Tristan when he drove her to work that Fuzz didn’t need to stay with her, but the bossy man refused to listen.

Tristan squatted and scratched around Fuzz’s ears. “Were you a good boy for Skye?”

“He was a perfect gentleman.” Afraid her heart would audibly sigh at the sight of the two of them loving on each other, she locked her desk, gathered her purse, and stood. “Ready?”

“When you are.”

He followed her to his SUV, both of them scanning the parking lot for strange men. This waiting for something to happen was getting to her. She was jumpy, and although she wouldn’t admit it to anyone, a little scared. The tension she’d put between her and Tristan wasn’t helping.

“Where to?” he said when they were on the road.

She pulled the Realtor’s text message up and read off the address.

“That was the Radfords’ house. Cute one, but it’ll probably need work.”

It was in her price range. If she liked it, any work it needed, she could do over time. She gazed out the window, noting the scenery she’d pass by each day if she bought the house. It was a two-lane country road, and the houses they passed were spread out. Although it was a pretty area, she wasn’t sure she wanted to live this far from town. She’d prefer easy access to takeout, the grocery store, and her office.