Page 66 of In His Protection

“Thomas Grant?” Bentley asked.

She brought Bentley up to date on Grant. “He was released a few weeks ago on a technicality.”

“That explains the question on why this is coming up now after a year,” Tristan said. “He’s out and wants the money someone stole from him.”

“What I’m thinking.” She handed him the folder she’d brought with her. “Here are photos of Danny, Grant, and Drake if you want to make copies to pass out to your officers.”

He pushed the folder toward Bentley. “Make sure our people get a copy.”

“I’ll get it done today. Anything else?”

“Yeah, put someone on checking the hotels and motels in the area.”

“On it. I’ll also have them check with the rental agents, see if any one of these men have rented a cabin.”

“Good. Anything else, Sheriff?”

“I think that covers it.” After Bentley left, Tristan walked to the door and closed it, then came and sat in the chair next to her. “Until we catch these jokers, I don’t want you going anywhere alone.”

“I have a job to do, Chief. Sometimes it requires I go places, and I can’t be dragging people around with me.” After Danny, she’d promised herself no man was going to tell her what she could and couldn’t do.

He pushed his chair around so that he was facing her. “These people are dangerous, Skye. You know that. They’re targeting you, so for my peace of mind, please don’t go anywhere alone.”

“Sorry. I guess I overreacted. It’s just that I don’t like being told what to do.”

He took her hand, wrapping his around it. “I’m not telling you. I’m asking. I’m begging.”

She didn’t like the worry she’d put in his eyes. “Fine. I’ll appoint Johnny my bodyguard.” It annoyed her that she needed someone guarding her, but she wasn’t stupid.

“Thank you. I’m also available if you need to go somewhere, and I’m prettier than Johnny.” He winked.

“Oh, I don’t know. Johnny has those sexy bedroom eyes.”

“You better not be looking into his bedroom eyes.”

She laughed. “You’re silly.” Fuzz rose from his corner bed, stretched as he yawned, then came to her. He sat in front of her and put his chin on her knee. “Hello, handsome. The chief working you too hard and you needed a nap?”

Tristan snorted. “That dog lives a king’s life.” He looked from her to Fuzz, then back to her.

She could see the wheels turning. “What?”

“How would you feel having him hang with you for a while?”

“A bodyguard and a guard dog? Don’t you think that’s a bit much?”

“When keeping you safe is in question, nothing is too much.” He grinned then, and as often happened with this man, his eyes danced with amusement, warning her he was about to say something that would steal another piece of her heart. “Also, I only lend out my dog to special people. Full discloser, I’ve never lent him out before.”

There you go, heart. Just jump right into his hands. How was she supposed to refuse him when he said things like that? “You play dirty, Chief.”

He laughed. “With you, Sheriff, I’m good with down and dirty.”

Lord help her. She leaned down and cupped Fuzz’s face to hide her pleasure at his words. “What do you say, Fuzz, you want to hang with me for a few days?” He wagged his tail.

“Thank you again. He’ll guard you with his life.”

“Don’t say that. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to him.” Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.

Tristan put his hand over hers. “You can’t take it back. You already agreed.”