Page 61 of In His Protection

“If so, from her previous job. We’d know if this dude was arrested here.” He pulled out his phone and called her. “Sheriff, how soon can you come by the station? We have a video we want you to take a look at.” He could send it over to her, but he wanted to be with her when she watched it. “Great. See you in a few.” He stuck his phone back in his pocket. “She’s coming over now.”

It seemed too much of a coincidence that the man had been at Beam Me Up the same night her ex showed up. It was time to do a little digging into Pretty Boy.

Chapter Thirty-Four

“I’ve never seen that man before.” Skye studied the man Bentley had frozen on the screen. She’d remember that face if she’d ever seen it. “Just because he’s filling a container with gas doesn’t mean he set fire to my apartment.”

“He’s the same height and build as the man your neighbor’s security camera caught,” Bentley said.

“Do we know who he is?”

Bentley shook his head. “Not yet. I’m running his face through facial recognition.”

“If he’s in there, you’ll get a hit pretty fast.” Tristan touched her arm. “Let’s go talk in my office. Bentley will let us know if he gets a name.”

When they entered his office, he shut the door, then turned, put his hands on her hips, and backed her up to the door. He lowered his face until his mouth was an inch from hers. “I’ve never kissed a woman in my office before, and I have a sudden urge to correct that.”

“I’m sure there are plenty of women who’d be more than happy to kiss you in here.” It made her happier than it should that he’d never kissed a woman in his office.

His eyes darkened as he stared into hers. “There’s only one woman I’m interested in making that memory with.”

“Who might that be?” The way he was looking at her, as if he wanted to eat her up, did funny things to her stomach.

“She might be the sexy sheriff I have pinned against the door.”

“I see. Well, I think she’d probably be okay with that.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I think she might.” He lowered his head and covered her mouth with his.

No man had ever kissed her the way Tristan did, as if she were his favorite treat that he couldn’t get enough of. His tongue slid over hers, and he rocked against her, showing her what she did to him. She whimpered.

“Damn, Sheriff, those noises you make...” He gave her hips a squeeze, then stepped back and blew out a breath. “Those sounds coming from you makes me want to take you up against the door. Unfortunately, Bentley will be popping in any minute, and I figure you’d probably have a problem with him finding us going at it.” He took her hand and walked with her to one of the chairs in front of his desk.

At least one of their brains was working. She’d forgotten where they were and had been ready for him to take her against the door. That couldn’t happen again. They had to be careful, or the gossip would start.

After she was seated, he settled behind his desk. His gaze fell to the top of it, then his eyes locked on hers, and a sly smile crossed his face. “My imagination is running wild thinking of you naked on this desk and the things I’d do to you.”

She glanced behind her, making sure the door was still shut, then scowled at him. “You can’t say things like that.”

“I can and I did. Someday, Skye, against that door and on this desk.”

Heat spiraled through her body as her mind went right to him going all alpha and doing things to her that involved a door and a desk. She clasped her legs together. “Stop it.” He couldn’t keep putting those pictures in her mind. It messed with her head.

“It will happen,” he said with a satisfied smile on his face. Then his smile faded, and he propped his elbows on the desk and leaned toward her, all teasing and humor gone. “Until then, we need to talk about your ex. The man in the video Bentley showed you, he was at Beam Me Up the same night Pretty Boy was there.”

“And?” If he was making a point, she was missing it.

“You don’t think it’s suspicious they both were there that night? The man you haven’t seen for a year and a stranger who was watching you with a lot of interest?”

“He was watching me?”

“With more interest than was healthy. I chalked it up to his thinking you were hot.” His gaze slid over her. “What any man would think at seeing you.”

“I doubt he was looking at me like that. I was in my uniform, my hair in a bun, and no makeup.”

“Exactly how you are right now, and trust me, Sheriff, you’re hot in a uniform. That bun makes a man’s fingers itch to pull out the pins so he can wrap that glorious hair of yours around his fist and hold you still so he can kiss you senseless. And you don’t need makeup.”

Wow! She swallowed hard. Secretly, his words excited her, but if he kept talking like that, she’d crawl up on his desk and let him at her, so she rolled her eyes. “Every woman needs makeup. About this man, you think he’s connected to Danny somehow?”