Page 58 of In His Protection

She eyed the prettiest French toast she’d ever seen and the cup of mixed fresh fruit on the plate. “I feel amazingly happy about it.” She glanced around. “Where are you hiding Andrew?”

He laughed. “Our aunt didn’t appreciate having to feed three hungry and growing boys, and since I wanted more than a bologna sandwich thrown at us, I learned to cook a few things. Because Andrew loves feeding us and works hard at doing it, I don’t take that away from him. But today’s his day off, and that means I get to show off for you.”

She didn’t get it. He’d been abandoned by his mother, dumped on an aunt who didn’t want him or his brothers, yet he was one of the most positive persons she’d ever met. “How do you do it? Have such a great outlook after the important people in your life abandoned you?”

“Eh.” He shrugged. “A long time ago I realized I could feel sorry for poor old me because the people who should have wanted me didn’t, and let that attitude rule my life. Or I could refuse to be a victim and live my life the way I wanted, which was to be happy. I chose happy.”

“And your brothers? They both seem happy. Are they?”

“I made sure of it. Since I was the oldest, it fell on me to make certain they knew their worth. I like to think they’re both happy, or as happy as they can be. For now anyway.”

“What does for now mean?”

“Their stories aren’t mine to tell. What I can tell you is that I want to kiss you again.”

“Where’s Parker and Everly?” She was all for more kissing, but not if one of them might walk in on them. She’d been surprised by how disappointed she’d been when she’d opened her eyes and realized she was alone in his bed.

“He’s taking her to school, then he’s headed to the firehouse.” He comically waggled his eyebrows. “If you’re worried about getting caught, the coast is clear.”

“In that case, I—” At the same time the cat raced past, chased by Fuzz, both their phones chimed. They both groaned at seeing the text from Miss Mabel.

“We could ignore her,” Tristan said.

“And have her track us down? Because she will. No thank you.”

“I was afraid you’d say that.” Fuzz and his cat returned, and Tristan snapped his fingers as they raced by. “Fuzz!” The dog skidded to a stop. “We have to go see Luther and Miss Mabel.”

“Did he just wrinkle his nose?” At Tristan’s nod, she laughed. “I’m with him on that.”

Skye entered the mayor’s office five minutes after Tristan.

“Morning, Sheriff.” He stood, turning his back to Rebecca. “How’s your day going?”

She narrowed her eyes at his smirk. “Fine, thank you, Chief.” She stepped around him. “Good morning, Rebecca.”

“Skylar, you poor dear. We all heard about your apartment fire. Because you lost everything, everyone’s dropping off clothes and household items to help you get back on your feet.” She waved a hand at the boxes lined up against the wall.

Speechless, Skye stared at the six boxes as tears burned her eyes. She’d never experienced kindness like this. Tristan, seeming to understand, came to stand next to her.

The phone on Rebecca’s desk rang, and when her attention was diverted, he put his hand on her lower back. “I told you that you were one of us and that we take care of our own. Maybe now you’ll believe it,” he quietly said.

She was beginning to believe it. The boxes were also a reminder that she needed to find a place to live so she’d have somewhere to put all this stuff. She couldn’t keep depending on Tristan to solve all her problems. Besides, she needed to distance herself from him before her heart went rogue and decided it wanted to keep him. As soon as she got back to her office, she’d call a Realtor.

Rebecca finished her call and came over. “Earl said he didn’t have any clothes for you, but he wanted to give you this.” She handed Skye a jar. “It’s honey from his bees, and let me tell you, it’s the best honey I’ve ever tasted.”

Damn tears. She swiped at her cheeks. “I don’t even know what to say. Thank you doesn’t seem to be adequate.”

Rebecca reached for her hand and squeezed it. “Oh, honey. Thank you is all you have to say. I made a list of who donated what so you can do just that.”

“Okay then, thank you so much. I do want to let everyone know how much I appreciate this.”

“What is this? A tea party?” Miss Mabel banged her cane on the floor.

Fuzz squeaked, snatched up his toy, and disappeared under Rebecca’s desk.

“I’m sure you have plenty of things to do, Rebecca.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Rebecca scurried to her desk and shuffled some papers.