Page 89 of In His Protection

Kade could be a ghost when he wanted. She’d watched him in action at their drills. Too many times when she had thought he was at one end of their fake town, he’d materialized right in front of her. It was spooky.

“Knowing Kade, he’ll commandeer the fastest helicopter on the base.”

She wouldn’t put it past him. “Okay, we have a little over an hour before he arrives, and we need a plan. I’ve been thinking, what if we get a dye pack from the bank and put it in a briefcase? When Grant opens it to make sure all his money is there, it explodes in his face.”

“Does our bank have them? I can’t remember there ever being a bank robbery here.”

“I don’t know.” She took out her phone and called Annie. “Question, do you have dye packs?” She nodded at Parker, letting him know they did. “Great, I’m going to need one.” She cut Annie off. “No, the bank isn’t going to be robbed, and yes, I’ll tell you why I need it when I can.” Okay, that wasn’t what she wanted to hear. “Their dye packs are triggered by a sensor at the bank door and are set to go off twenty seconds later,” she told Parker.

“Maybe we can retrigger it somehow. Kade would probably know.”

“Annie, I’ll get back to you.” That was disappointing. If the pack exploded in Grant’s face, they could use the diversion to take the men down and rescue Tristan.

“On the off chance the dye pack’s trigger can’t be reset, I’m going to go ahead and get the money,” Parker said. “I hope they can come up with a hundred thou.”

“I don’t think we need that much. Twenty-five thousand in hundreds and twenties or whatever denominations they can come up with will work. Even ten thousand if we put ones, fives, and tens under hundred-dollar bills will look like a lot. We just need it to buy me some time once I’m inside.”

Parker was pacing again, and the tension in the room was agitating Fuzz. Fuzz knew something was up and was pacing right along with Parker.

“I’m going to take Fuzz with me,” she said. “If Grant or whoever is with him goes for me or tries to hurt Tristan, he won’t like that.” And please don’t let her get Tristan’s dog killed, but Fuzz could be the difference between success or failure. He could give her the few seconds she might need to win this war. Because that was what it was...a war.

“I don’t like this, Skylar.”

“Tell me about it, but we don’t have a choice. Go get the money. Ask Annie if she has a briefcase you can use.”

“I have one here.” He stopped his pacing, planting himself in front of her. “Don’t get some idea to be heroic and go deal with this yourself. You be here when I get back.” He stared at her for a moment, then said, “If you haven’t figured it out yet, my brother loves you.”

“I know,” she whispered. And she did. But would he forgive her for not believing in him?

While Parker was at the bank, Skye called Dustin. She told him what was going down and what she was going to do. If she died, she wanted to make sure that Danny didn’t walk away unscathed. “No matter what happens, don’t let him get away with this,” she pleaded.

“I promise you, Skye, his life as he knows it is over. As soon as we hang up, I’m calling his captain. I wish I could order you to not go through with your plan, but I’m not your boss now, and even if I was, you’d do it anyway. Stay safe, you hear me?”

“Yeah, I hear you.” They signed off. Her legs refused to hold her up anymore, and she planted her butt on the floor. Fuzz didn’t waste any time landing on her lap. “I know,” she said, burying her face in his neck fur. “I’m worried, too.” What if...

No! She couldn’t think like that. They would rescue Tristan. Everly would have her uncle, and Parker and Kade would have their brother. Nothing less was acceptable.

The thought that she’d been trying to keep out pushed its way in. This was all on her. She was the reason Tristan’s life was in danger. If the worst happened, she would never forgive herself. Dangerous men who didn’t blink at killing someone were here because of her. She already didn’t forgive herself for that.

She didn’t know how long she and Fuzz cuddled, taking strength from each other. Well, her taking strength from Fuzz. She wasn’t sure what she was giving him other than her fears and tears.

At some point, Parker returned, carrying a large bank bag. “Why are you on the floor?”

Because she and Fuzz were having a moment? She lifted her hand, and he helped her up. “Fuzz and I were making rescue plans. How much do you have there?”

“Annie was able to come up with twenty thousand without us giving her prior notice. I had to tell her what it was for, but she promised to keep quiet.”

“Good.” She glanced at her watch. “Kade should be here soon.”

“I’m here.” Kade walked in and right behind him were two men who, like Kade, were made of muscles. All three wore black T-shirts and black cargo pants, and one of them was covered in tattoos. They each had sidearms at their waists, carried duffel bags, and one had a long gun slung over his shoulder. Danger radiated from the three men.

Kade came straight to her and wrapped his arms around her. “We’re going to get him back, Skylar.” He then slung an arm over Parker’s shoulders. “Big brother was always getting us out of trouble. It’s our turn to return the favor.” He pointed to the man with the tattoos. “That’s Viper. He’s our sniper.” He lifted a chin toward the other one. “This dude here is Cupcake. He can make anything out of nothing.”

“Cupcake?” Really?

“Don’t ask,” Cupcake said, amusement in his eyes.

Kade rolled his eyes. “A girl he was dating when he joined the team used to say he was sweeter than a cupcake.”