Page 76 of In His Protection

He dared to put a hand on her back, considering it a win when she didn’t slap it away. “Beats me.” He wasn’t about to tell her Katie knew he was interested in Skye.

“I want the wall behind me,” she said when they reached the booth.

“Then slide in and over because I want the wall behind me, too.”

She scowled. “People will talk if we’re sitting on the same side.”

“Don’t care.” He wasn’t turning his back to the door where he couldn’t see someone coming at her. “You can slide over or sit on the other side.”

“You think I can’t protect myself?”

“I think you can protect yourself just fine, Sheriff. Still going to sit on this side with you either next to me or across from me. Your choice.” He glanced around. “We’re getting a lot of attention, which doesn’t bother me, but probably does you,” he quietly said. “So pick your seat.”

He laughed when she growled, sounding like a snarling kitten. She shot him a glare as she slid into the booth seat and then over, giving him room next to her. He was a sucker for her glares and sounds, even growly ones.

Katie bounced over. “It’s so great to see you two together.” She set two glasses of water on the table.

“Together?” Skye said.

“Aren’t you—” Katie waggled a finger between him and Skye “—like dating now? I know the chief’s had the hots for you for a long time.”

He groaned. “What’s tonight’s special?”

“Wait.” Skye leaned forward and peered at Katie. “He told you that?”

“Uh...” Katie glanced over her shoulder. “I think I smell something burning in the kitchen.” She took off.



“You talked to her about me?”

“Not exactly.”

“Then what exactly.”

He sighed. Guess it was confession time.

Chapter Forty-Two

If Tristan wasn’t blocking her exit, she’d bolt. Skye tapped a finger on the table, waiting for him to answer. This was what she was afraid of, being talked about. People would give her the side-eye, gossip about her, and snicker when she walked by. She’d lived it, refused to go through it again. He’d sighed already, but he did it again.

“Stop noise delaying and spit it out, Chief.”

“Noise delaying? Is that a thing?”

She picked up her fork. “I’m going to stick this in your eye if you don’t answer me. And stop being amused.”

“All right. It’s not a big deal. Remember the first night you came to dinner, and I promised you lasagna?”

“It was good. I was impressed.”

“Great. Katie will be back in minute. What do you want to eat?”

“I swear I’m going to stab you with this fork. What did you tell Katie?” He was still amused and enjoying this.

“Just that you were coming to dinner.”