Page 42 of In His Protection

She sank back against the car hood. “Everything?”

Parker’s eyes were filled with compassion. “Yeah. The good news is we were able to contain it to your apartment. Your neighbors are fine.”

Tristan leaned next to her, and she realized he was both holding her up and lending her strength. She gave him a grateful smile.

“It’s not just the fire,” Parker said. “We got that out pretty fast thanks to your neighbor. Clarissa was bringing in groceries and saw the flames through your window before the fire spread and called it in. The fire was deliberately set.”

“Arson? Who would want to burn down my apartment?”

“Whoever it was also searched your apartment and cut up your furniture. My guess, they were looking for something.”

She frowned. “Like what?” She didn’t have anything anyone would want.

Tristan rubbed the back of his neck as he glanced at her. “Do you think Mason is capable of doing something like this?”

Parker’s gaze darted to his brother’s. “Mason Culpepper? Why would you think he’d set a fire in Skylar’s apartment?”

She sure didn’t want to believe Mason would be that vindictive. “I’d rather think it was some kids messing around or looking for drugs.” If so, they sure didn’t know this was the sheriff’s apartment. “This seems an extreme reaction to being fired. If Mason did it and we can prove it, he’ll go to prison. Would he really risk that happening?”

“You fired Mason?” Parker asked.


“He threatened her, told her she was going to be sorry for firing him.” Tristan stared at the fire trucks parked in front of the building. “He was at the restaurant tonight.” He glanced at Parker. “We were at the lake resort.”

That was news to her. “You saw him there?” When he nodded, she said, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want to ruin your evening. He was at the bar for a while. Left around the time our dinners were served. He never looked our way that I saw, so I assumed...hoped that it was a coincidence.”

“I don’t like this,” Parker said. “The resort isn’t someplace Mason would hang out, so why was he there the same night you were? And if he left, what thirty or forty minutes before you two did, he had plenty of time to get here and do this.”

She couldn’t wrap her mind around Mason risking lives just to get revenge on her. “I’ll talk to him as soon as we finish up here.”

Tristan shook his head. “No, you’re personally involved. This is a police department investigation, and I’ll interview Mason. Forward me the recording with his threats. It needs to be documented and entered as evidence.”

She didn’t like it, but she couldn’t argue. “Do you know how the fire was started?”

“An accelerant, but I haven’t identified what yet. There were two hot spots, one in your bedroom and one in the living room.”

“And no one saw anyone suspicious?” Why would someone do this?

“No. Johnny talked to the ones at home. Nothing so far. We’re also hoping someone has a security camera that caught our firebug. I’m just thankful your neighbor saw the flames when she did.” Parker glanced over to where Clarissa stood with some other neighbors as they watched his men roll up the hoses. “It could have been much worse.”

“I’ll make sure to thank her. Can I get into my apartment?” These heels were killing her feet. She really hoped she could salvage some shoes and clothes.

“Sorry, no. It’s a crime scene until I finish my investigation,” Parker said. “You can get in first thing in the morning. Why don’t you let Tristan take you to our house for tonight?”

Tristan put his hand on her shoulder. “You good with that?”

“If it’s not too much trouble for you.” She could go to one of the motels, but she didn’t want to be alone tonight.

“Silly girl.”

If anyone else had said that to her, she would have punched their nose. Weirdly, hearing it from Tristan made her belly warm.

Parker pulled his fire helmet from his head, swiped his damp hair back with his palm, then stuck his helmet back on. “You going to try to talk to Mason tonight?” he asked his brother.

“Yeah, if I can run him down.”