Page 102 of In His Protection

“Isn’t she just beautiful, Miss Fanny?” Everly asked.

“She sure is, honey.”

“Come on, Miss Skylar, we have to go now.” Everly took her hand.

She was led to the Kitchen, where Parker stood outside the door. “You look lovely, Skylar.” He opened the door of the restaurant. “Go on in now.”

“What’s going...” She glanced inside, and her question died on her lips. “Oh,” she whispered.

She vaguely registered Parker’s chuckle as she walked in, and the door closed behind her. The interior of the restaurant had been transformed into a fairyland. Soft music played over the speakers, fairy lights were strung from the ceiling, wildflowers in vases were on every table, and silver balloons with silver ribbons tied to their ends floated above her.

Everything was so beautiful, but it was the man standing in the middle of the room watching her that took her breath away. He wore a tux—blue bowtie and cummerbund matching her dress—and, heaven help her, it would be a miracle if she didn’t melt right on the spot.

His hands were in his pockets, his eyes were on her, and a soft smile was on his face. As if entranced, she went to him. “Hi.” Amazing how breathy a two-letter word could sound.

“So beautiful,” he murmured.

“I could say the same about you.” She glanced around. “It’s not my birthday, you know.”

“No, but it is a special night...well, I hope it turns out that way.”

There was uncertainty in his voice, or maybe nervousness. “Just my opinion, but any night with you is special.”

“Let’s hope you still think that in a few minutes.” He glanced down. “Fuzz has something for you.”

She hadn’t even noticed Fuzz was in the room; that was how mesmerizing her man was. A laugh escaped her when she saw the blue bowtie around Fuzz’s neck. “Aren’t you a handsome boy?” Hanging from his mouth was a silver gift bag. “For me?”

Although she still didn’t understand what was happening, butterflies danced in her stomach. She took the bag from Fuzz, then glanced up at Tristan.

He nodded. “Open it.”

When she pulled out a small blue velvet box, Tristan dropped to a knee, and she almost went down with him, so weak were her legs.

He took the box from her. “Skye Morgan, from the time you walked into my life, there’s been only you. My heart said, ‘Mine.’ That never changed, even when I’d given up hope that there would ever be an us. And when I say, ‘Mine,’ it doesn’t mean that I own you. It means that you are mine to love and cherish.”

“And you’re mine.”

“I am. Always and forever. Will you marry me, Sheriff?” He opened the lid of the box and removed the ring, a beautiful bezel set diamond.

She’d never seen a flat diamond secured by a platinum ring instead of prongs before. It was unique, and she loved it. “It’s perfect.” Tears pooled in her eyes. “Yes. Oh, yes, I will marry you, Chief.”

His big smile was a beautiful thing to see. He slipped the ring on her finger, then stood, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her.

When they came up for air, he yelled, “She said yes!”

People poured out from the back and surrounded them. Parker, Everly, and Kade were front and center. Her future brothers-in-law each gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek.

“Welcome to the family,” Parker said.

“You’re gonna get tired of seeing his ugly mug every day, Skylar,” Kade said. “Run away with me.”

She laughed. “If you’d only asked me five minutes ago, before he put this beautiful ring on my finger.”

Everly grabbed her hand and stared at the ring. “I want one just like it when I get married. Are you my aunt Skylar now?”

“Yes, and you’re my niece.”

“She’s never getting married because no boy is getting near her,” Parker muttered.