“Before you put your damn foot in your mouth, Rayne had no intention of fuckin’ up your evening, but he was held somewhere against his will tonight.”

Trent was still tying the drawstring on his shorts when Wood rushed into the living room, his eyes wide. “Say what?”

“Yeah. Some bastard—I think it’s his uncle—had him padlocked in a room and wouldn’t let him out unless… .” Mike closed his eyes and exhaled the wrath propelling him to go finish the job.

“Fuck. Is he okay?” Trent asked.

“No,” Mike answered. “But he will be.”

“So what happened?”

Mike turned toward Wood, his cheeks still flushed red and his wild gray-and-black hair sticking up all over his head. “Well, he called you, Wood, but you were too busy screwing my son on the kitchen table to answer the phone.”

“Jesus, Mike, give us a break,” Trent groaned as he dropped down on the couch and tucked his face in his hands. “It’s our anniversary.”

“You guys aren’t married.”

Trent looked sheepish. “We’ve been dating six months, Dad.”

Mike gritted his teeth. “Six months! What are y’all in fuckin’ middle school? You still could’ve answered the goddamn phone.”

Trent scowled. “Just tell us what happened.”

“He called me. So the fellas and I went and got him.”

Trent’s eyes opened wide as he leapt up off the couch. “Mike.” He looked afraid to ask his next question. “And the uncle… ?”

Mike was silent a long moment before he eventually answered. “He’s alive.”

Trent exhaled as if he’d been holding his breath for too long while Wood stared at him in horror.

“If you don’t like the way I handle Rayne’s problems”—Mike glared at Wood—“then next time… if there even is a next time… answer your damn phone.”

“I’m gonna go talk to Rayne.” Wood sighed. “Mike, look. I’m sorry, all right? But there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Rayne. I love him like a little brother, and I’m sorry if I—”

“Wood.” Mike pinched the bridge of his nose, his energy still too high to deal with weak-ass excuses. “If you don’t shut up, I’m gonna punch you in the damn temple because I’d rather you be unconscious than have to keep listening to you speak right now.”

Wood chewed on his stern jaw like he was pissed, but he smartly kept his mouth shut and walked away.

Trent sat there, looking confused. “Dad. What’s going on? What’s up with you and Rayne?”

Mike wasn’t going into this right now, but he couldn’t keep ignoring Trent’s and Bishop’s repeated calls and texts. “I know we need to talk. But not now. Not tonight.”

“Then when?” Trent scoffed. “After you guys have shacked up for a year?”

“Son. It’s been a rough evening, okay?”

“Are you sure you’re good?” Trent asked, trying to meet his eyes. “What about your crew?”

“I’m fine. We’re all fine. I’m just glad we got there in time. That guy was drunk as fuck and disgusting.”

“Dad. You know we didn’t mean for Rayne to catch us like that,” Trent tried again. “He was supposed to be at his friend’s tonight. I made this arrangement with him two weeks ago. But I’m not mad at him. He doesn’t have to leave.”

“He knows that. But I offered, and he accepted.”

“Has he seen your house?”
