Oh fuck, oh my god, oh hell. Mike was watching him with an intensity he wasn’t prepared for. Rayne slowly climbed down out of the truck, and Mike crowded him into the corner of the open door.

“Show me your bite, Rayne.” Mike’s chest was against his, his mouth close to his temple, his breath hot against his face.

Rayne was pipe hard, and all he could think about was not coming in his sweatsuit. He wanted to be as much a man as Mike was daring him to be, but he could feel himself submitting to the domination. He’d been called out and didn’t have the chops to back up his loaded words. Maybe he should just go with the truth instead of trying to perform.

“Mike… you overwhelm me,” Rayne breathed. “Your voice, your body, and your smell.”

Mike used the pad of his thumb and pointer finger under Rayne’s chin to lift his head so that they were eye to eye, noses side by side. “What do I smell like?”

Rayne felt a dab of moisture against his left thigh. He inhaled the scent of spicy aftershave and gardenias.

“Tell me.”

A distant rumble started low in Rayne’s balls. “Mike,” he moaned in agony.

“I warned you about saying my name like that.”

Goosebumps ran down his back as Mike carefully dragged his fingers down Rayne’s throat to the dip below his Adam’s apple. He swallowed, attempting to find his voice, hoping he didn’t sound as far away as he felt. He was high, like he was drifting above the world on a cloud of passion. “Please.”

“Please what?” Mike wrapped a confident hand around the back of his neck, pulled him the last couple of inches, and touched his lips to the corner of his mouth.

“Please tell me you want me as much as I want you.” Rayne laid his trembling palms against Mike’s chest and opened his mouth like a baby bird begging for more, wanting a kiss, but Mike didn’t give it to him. He was in complete control while Rayne was coming apart with anticipation and desire.

Mike’s mouth danced over his jaw when he gritted out, “You already know that answer… don’t you.”

Rayne could only nod. He could feel all of Mike’s want pressing against his own.

“I’ll pick you up Sunday around one.”

“Where are we going?” Rayne whispered.

“To my house.”

Yes, god yes!

“I wanna show you where I live… would you like that?”

“Mmhmm.” Rayne swallowed, barely able to get the sound past his lips.

“I have a garden of Artemisia stelleriana that’s in full bloom.” Mike touched Rayne’s cheek, gazing down at him. “They’re the same color gray as your eyes.”

Rayne licked his lips, hoping for a kiss on his mouth and not his cheek.

“I’ll be here at noon.” Mike upped the time from one o’clock and then told him, “Give me your number in case I wanna come earlier.”

It took Rayne a second to pull his head out of orbit before he asked Mike for his cell phone so he could program his number into it, but Mike shook his head.

“Just whisper it in my ear. I’ll remember it.”

Now, if that wasn’t some sexy, old-school shit, he didn’t know what was. Rayne leaned in and touched their chests together, ghosting his mouth over Mike’s stubble along his jaw until his lips were near his ear. The touch stimulated his sensitive skin as he slowly relayed his number against Mike’s earlobe. He felt the light shudder of Mike’s breath against his forehead when he pulled back.

“I’ll text you later. See you soon, Rayne.”

Mike backed away, and Rayne wasn’t embarrassed at the tent in his pants, although the damp spot was another story. He got inside the trailer and went straight to his bedroom to call his sponsor… otherwise, his hand was going down the front of his pants, and that was a big no-no.