“Good.” Mike frowned. “Because this is a lot worse than they implied.”

There were overgrown wintergreen shrubs lining the front of the building that probably had wildlife living in it, or worse, hornets’ nest. Mike tugged on his thick utility gloves and started yanking at the dead branches to see how much of the plant, if any, was salvageable.

A well-built man in a blue OneHealth T-shirt came out the front door. His name tag said Aaron, that he was the operations manager, and also that his passion was CrossFit competitions. “Can I help you fellas?”

Mike pointed to the Stockley Lawn Service logo on the back of his clipboard, then extended his right hand. “I’m Mike Stockley. This is my business partner, Emmanuel.”

The manager blew out a long—Mike assumed relieved—breath right in his face, then gripped his outstretched hand in a powerful squeeze, pumping it up and down. “No one told me you guys were coming, but regardless, I’m glad you’re here. The customer complaints are getting out of control about the outside maintenance, and I can’t afford to lose any more members at this location.”

Manny nodded. “You made it sound like time was of the essence. Are you available to look over the contract now and—?”

“I’ll agree to whatever terms you all have as long as you can start this week,” the manager blurted, then apologized to Manny for cutting him off. “I’m sorry to rush you like this, but I heard your company is one of the best in the area, and I’d really prefer to just hurry up and hire you guys before your schedule fills up too.”

“That works for me.” Mike was beyond exhausted, and his eyes were gritty from hours of reading articles about sex addiction on his laptop screen. Information he’d absorbed like a sponge until he was soaked full of knowledge. Plenty enough for him to know what he wanted to do. But first things first, he needed rest. Mike was ready for this day to be over. A hot shower, a joint, and his Tacoma glider recliner were all he desired at the moment. “If we can go inside, you can sign on all of the dotted lines, and we’ll be outta ya hair?”

“Sure thing.” The manager bobbed his muscled neck, then turned and led them toward the entrance. “When do you think you’ll be able to start?”

“We’ll be back Friday with a twelve-man crew,” Mike assured.

“You guys are saving my ass right now,” Aaron breathed. “It wouldn’t’ve been long before someone from corporate was sent out here to investigate the complaints.”

A blast of cool, sweat-tinged air hit Mike in the face as he walked through the automatic doors, but it wasn’t near as offending as the techno-pop music blaring over his head. Da’fuck?Why would anyone want to exercise to that? There were several robotic-smiling faces working behind the front desk. One woman was neatly folding dark gray courtesy towels and stacking them in a pyramid near the end of the counter, while another was assisting a woman wearing a halter top and pink spandex that appeared painted on as she rang up her protein bar and orange Gatorade. Mike struggled to hold in his incredulous scoff.

Manny let out a low whistle. “Damn. It’s a lot nicer in here than I thought. I can only imagine what a membership costs.”

“Yeah, too bad the outside looks like shit,” Mike said close to Manny.

“Right this way, gents.” The manager stopped outside of a small office and ushered them inside. Mike was almost past the threshold when he saw two women who looked to be in their mid to late twenties, each carrying one of those rolled-up nylon mats he’d seen Rayne using when he was meditating outside. They were walking toward a set of frosted double doors that read Mind and Body Wellness Studio in a fancy cursive script.

“Hey. What exercises are they doing in that mind and body place?” Mike pointed to where the women had disappeared through the doors.

“We have several classes that are done in that studio, but right now, I believe a restorative yoga class is starting.”

Yoga! Mike’s eyes widened as an idea slammed into him.

The manager raised a dark brow. “You look in damn good shape to me, but I’d like to offer you and your men a free membership for coming over as fast as you did. That is if you’re interested?”

“Yeah, actually, I am. But I’m just interested in the yoga classes.”

The manager gave him a cheesy smile. “Well, the membership includes everything. You can attend any class you want and, of course, full access to all of the gym’s amenities. We have a full-length pool with aqua fitness classes, a sauna, a hydromassage therapy center, six aerobics studios—”

“I only want whatever yoga classes are done in that place,” Mike reiterated, remembering what he’d read about recovering sex addicts last night. Mike didn’t want to make Rayne feel indebted to him. And this fitness center was expensive as fuck, so Mike would have to work this gift properly. “If I get a membership, can a guest use it sometimes? Most of the time.”

The manager seemed to know where Mike was going. Good. Because gullible people pissed him off. This guy had to see that Mike didn’t look or act like the type who did yoga. But he was willing to take the membership if it meant Rayne could use it and finally have a place to go practice like he’d been wanting, getting him that much closer to happiness. Once Rayne found his own joy and inner peace, that was the phase in his recovery where he could consider dating again if he desired. And Mike told himself he was going to do everything in his power to help Rayne get there because the sexy, silent man was going to be his. Period.

“I got you, pal. I’ll give you two scan cards so your guest will have their own.” He winked and slapped Mike so hard in the center of his spine that he almost hit him back to see how he liked it, but he remained professional because it seemed their new client came with a pretty decent perk.

“Cool. And if you could just give me whatever schedule and pamphlets you have for that studio, I’d appreciate it,” Mike finished as he sat beside Manny in the other hard plastic chair in front of the manager’s desk.

“I can do that. We’ll get these contracts signed fast, and then I’ll get you all set up in the system.” The manager sat down at his tidy desk—his brawn barely fitting in his office chair—and powered up his desktop computer. “And any of your staff that work the grounds here are all welcome to a full membership as well. On me.”

“Very generous of you.” Manny nodded.

Mike could feel his best friend staring at him, and when he didn’t offer up anything, he knew Manny wouldn’t let it slide.

“You interested in yoga, Big Mike?” Manny chuckled.

“Yeah. It’s been on my vision board since ninety-nine,” Mike answered in a grave tone. “Now, mind your own damn business.”

“Maybe I’ll take a class with you,” his friend smirked.

“Hey, fellas, I teach the P90X CrossFit interval class on Mondays and Wednesday nights if that’s more your speed,” the manager said with enthusiasm.

Manny and Mike exchanged irritated glares before Mike rumbled, “Buddy, we work outside in the blazing sun all day—do you really think we wanna come in here on any night and train like a damn Navy Seal?”

The manager looked as if he’d been spat on. Manny glared at Mike—shutting him the hell up—his eyes telling him to get back to business.

Mike gritted his teeth as he pulled out their standard commercial contract from the compartment inside his clipboard. He jotted down the pertinent information in the blank spaces, making sure to add the extra fees for the rush job, then presented it to Aaron for his review and signature.

Mike left the posh fitness center with a nice five-figure contract for the seven gyms and a way for him to get that much closer to Rayne. He’d planned to go home and chill after a long shower, but the anxiety building in his gut wasn’t going to settle until he gave Rayne his gift and waited with bated breath for his reaction.