“Did you jackasses leave him at home alone on a Friday night while you come over here and eat a gourmet meal?” Mike growled, his eyes on Wood.

Hot damn, Chelsea mouthed. “This guy ain’t no joke.”

Rayne smirked, his dick getting thicker in his skinny Kenneth Cole jeans.

“He seems a bit… aggressive.” Chelsea gave him a side-eye as she peered through the branches a few feet away from him. “Your roommate Wood looks a bit terrified.”

A wild sentiment shot through Rayne as he imagined just how angry Mike could get, and he knew he was in trouble. Because the thought of Mike’s fierceness thrilled him inside and out.

“Back off, Mike. We didn’t leave him home.”

Rayne and Chelsea both jerked away from where they’d been spying.

“He’s right over there somewhere.” Wood must’ve pointed in their general vicinity. “Or he was over there with his friend a minute ago.”

“Where… and what friend?” Mike demanded.

Damn that voice. Rayne shuddered.

“I believe it’s time you make your entrance.” Chelsea winked, giving Rayne just enough time to adjust himself and his clothes before she pulled back the swath of leaves like curtains opening at the start of a show.