“Good morning.” Rayne set the tray down on his lap, and Mike could only blink in disbelief.

Holy shit. His guy had actually… Mike surveyed the many delectable dishes on the tray, his chest constricting. This was called breakfast in bed. He knew of the concept but never thought he’d get to experience it. His mouth watered at the mountain of fluffy yellow eggs already doused with lots of black pepper like he preferred. Rayne must really feel sorry for him if he’d made bacon and sausage instead of that disgusting veggie breakfast burrito.

“How’s your body feeling?” Rayne removed the cup of coffee from the tray and eased it into Mike’s hands.

“Like I’ve been hit by my own truck.” He took a sip of the hot brew and moaned as the robust flavor slid down his throat. Mike didn’t think much could revive him right now, but this was a good start.

“I’m sure.” Rayne sat on the edge of the bed near him and stroked his palm over Mike’s jaw. “But I’m gonna get you in that tub and massage you again tonight. It won’t be so bad tomorrow. I’ll get your muscles to loosen up. I promise.”

All Mike could do was stare at the beautiful soul in front of him and wonder how he’d gotten so lucky. He set his mug down, stomach growling, wondering where he was going to dig in first. The french toast had extra powdered sugar and hot maple syrup drizzled over top, so he chose to start there.

“No tofu and buckwheat pancakes this morning, greengrocer?” Mike smirked around a mouthful of sausage. “No fuckin’ goat cheese and steel-cut oatmeal?”

Rayne chuckled, his eyes sparkling when Mike groaned at the perfect crunch on the fried potatoes. “It’s Saturday—it’s okay to have cheat days. Besides, over the past month, your eating habits have gotten much better.”

My eating habits are whatever you allow me to eat. God help me if I try to bring home a Five Guys burger. Mike’s mouth was too full to respond, but Rayne smiled as if he’d heard his inner thoughts. Mike liked to tease his partner about his neurotically healthy lifestyle choices, but there wasn’t a single thing he’d change about Rayne. Besides, Mike’s sons had been telling him for years to chill out on his no-vegetables, all-meat diet plan he’d been on since he was sixteen years old.

“Why aren’t you eating with me?” Mike felt like a pig stuffing his gullet while Rayne watched him.

“I already ate.”

Mike teased, “Ate what? I’ll determine if it was food or not.”

Rayne laughed again, and Mike felt as if he could listen to that sound every day for the rest of his life. “I had a spinach-and-egg-white omelet.”

Mike cringed. “Like I thought. Not food.”

Rayne let him finish his breakfast while he went into Mike’s closet and began sorting his laundry. “Rayne, get out of there. I don’t need you to do my—”

“Shut up and eat your food,” Rayne said from behind the door before he came out with a basket of Mike’s grimy work clothes. “I’m gonna go start these. I’ll be right back.”

Mike just shook his head. He was learning that when Rayne wanted to do something, he did it, and when he wanted something, he got it. It was as simple as that.