Chapter Forty-four


Rayne’s mouth twitched as Mike came up behind him at the sink and kissed the back of his neck. “Are you ready to apologize and eat a little crow?”

“Look. I ate your damn brick of white mold. That should be enough.”

Rayne turned around and draped his soapy hands over Mike’s shoulders. “They’re called tofu crumbles, and they’re not made of mold.”

“If you say so.” Mike leaned forward for a kiss, but Rayne dodged his effort.

Rayne wasn’t letting him off that easily. Mike had come into the kitchen multiple times and teased him mercilessly about the organic ingredients he’d prepped for his pizza toppings. Then Mike went into the living room and sprawled out on the couch half-naked and alternated between yelling at a baseball game and warning Rayne that he was going to order a real pizza if his healthy one tasted like shit. That’s what he’d literally said. But Mike had loved it, and now Rayne was going to make him admit it. “You ate that pizza so fast I barely got a second slice.”

“If I say your moldy pizza was good, will you let me kiss you?”

“Maybe,” Rayne laughed, his chest feeling light. Mike had been in a playful, flirtatious mood ever since his horticulturist nerd treated his queen plant and told him it’d be fine and that there would definitely be more blooms. Since then, the inner teenager in Mike was driving Rayne crazy.

“All right then.” Mike lifted Rayne like he weighed nothing and set his ass on the edge of the sink. He wrapped his legs around Mike’s waist and locked his ankles, waiting for his apology with a smug grin.

Mike ran his strong hands up Rayne’s back and into his hair. He tugged until Rayne’s neck was exposed, and Mike’s woodsy, wild essence flooded his senses, causing him to lose interest in an apology. Mike licked a long, hot trail up his throat, stopping and nipping at his jaw with his teeth. Those damn ebony eyes locked onto his with a heat that ignited him. Mike kissed him deeply, his hands roaming lower and throwing Rayne off course. But he had other plans.

“Hey.” Rayne pulled away to take in some air.

“Okay, okay,” Mike rumbled, out of breath, his eyes hooded. “Thank you for dinner, Rayne. It was a fuckin’ culinary delight. There… now, c’mere.”

That wasn’t why Rayne stopped them, but he laughed nonetheless. “Thank you, but I’m past the food now. There’s something I want to do for you, Mike.”

Mike’s eyes darkened even more. “And there’s something I want to do to you, Rayne.”

“Good,” he agreed. Rayne unlocked his legs and managed to get off the sink despite Mike not giving him an inch of room. He almost lost his train of thought as Mike’s thick hardness pressed against his pelvis. “I want you to come to my room in ten minutes.”

Rayne ignored Mike’s confused glint as he maneuvered out of the vise grip that was his arms so he could dry his hands. He began turning off the lights as he made his way towards the stairs, Mike’s gaze lowering and staying on his ass.

“I want you in my bed,” Mike told him, reaching for Rayne’s waist.

Rayne dodged his grasp, but he didn’t miss the way Mike’s eyes flashed with demand, looking hungry for something Rayne was just as starved for. He walked backward up the stairs, his heavy eyes on Mike and luring him toward him. “And you’ll have me any way you want me. But first…” Rayne stopped in front of his bedroom door and told Mike, “Ten minutes.”

Rayne slipped into his silk robe after lighting the last of the candles around his room. The oversized massage table he’d picked up from Edison’s this morning was set up and ready, the lights were dimmed, and the serene music coming from his sound system was the perfect mixture of light violins and nature sounds.

Mike was courteous enough to knock on Rayne’s door before he walked inside. “Holy shit.” He paused mid-step when he saw the candles and Rayne standing beside the table, naked under the satiny material.

Mike’s grin was sexy. “I kinda figured you for the romantic type. And what do you have going on here?”

Rayne licked his lips as he stared at the erotic ink over Mike’s chest. His mouth was wet, and his hands shook with urgency to slather oil all over Mike’s strong body and manipulate his muscles until he was relaxed and pliant enough for Rayne to give Mike what he needed.

“I’m going to massage you.” Rayne teased open one side of his robe, and Mike was across the room in five steps, pulling Rayne’s naked body against him.

“You massage people all evening after working another job. You don’t have to do that. I didn’t bring you here to be my personal masseur.”

Rayne silenced Mike with a slow, tender kiss. His rough hands slipped beneath his robe and stroked his already hard cock, making Rayne thrust his hips forward, temporarily shifting him off course. He cupped Mike’s face and placed lingering kisses along his jaw before he responded, “I know exactly why I’m here, Mike. And yeah, I massage people at my job, but here, I get to massage someone special to me because I wantto, not because I’m being paid for it.” Rayne backed Mike against the edge of the table and nodded for him to get on it. “And I can touch you any and everywhere that I want.”

Mike tugged on the ties to his robe, then gathered the soft material in his hand before he let it slide through his fingers. “You know what it does to me when you wear this fancy shit.”

“Stop trying to distract me, and get on the damn table. I’ve been waiting on this all day.” Rayne moaned as Mike rubbed his rough jaw along his shoulder, his beard scraping the tender skin on his neck.

Mike had a blazing fire burning in his eyes as he sat atop the table with his legs hanging over the side. “I’ve never had a massage before.”

“Really?” Rayne stood between Mike’s thighs.

Mike nodded. “I’m not really big on strangers putting their hands all over my body. A man with hands like mine, oiling me up?” Mike smirked. “No, thanks. If I did get one though, I kinda imagined some bouncy, blonde thing giggling and annoying the fuck out of me while she deluded herself into thinking she was relaxing me.”

“I get that.” Rayne pushed on Mike’s chest for him to lie on his back. Rayne had one sheet covering the massage table, deciding he didn’t need the top ones to keep Mike’s body concealed. Mike exhaled a short breath when he was fully positioned on the table, and Rayne placed his warm hands over his pecs. “But let me ask you something,”

“Mmhmm.” Mike’s eyelids lowered as Rayne began a light caress.

“Would you rather have a man like me massaging you? An experienced, capable man that’s been through tests and trials in his life? Someone that understands the pressures and aches a man feels and exactly where he feels them? Or would you rather have a chick named Becky rubbing you, whose worst decision she ever made was cutting off her bangs?”

“Okay. You may have a point.” Mike chuckled, and Rayne loved the way one side of Mike’s mouth turned up higher than the other and the crinkle that appeared in the corners of his eyes when his amusement was genuine.

“I’m going to prove my point right now,” Rayne whispered near Mike’s ear.