“Oh, dear, he’ll move heaven and earth if I made smothered fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, and collards with sweet cornbread.” She watched Mike’s animated reaction as she ticked off his list of favorites.

“Oh, and don’t forget the—”

“Bread pudding with rum raisin sauce,” she finished before Mike could, earning a laugh from Rayne.

“I’m not the best cook in the world, but I do try to feed him,” Rayne said, seeming to impress his mom even more. “I’d love to get him off of that fast food altogether.”

“Rayne, I love you already, shuga,” Mama said, gazing at Mike as only a mother would. “He looks well… happy.”

“I’ll do everything in my power to keep him that way, always,” Rayne promised, again causing Mike’s heart to pound behind his rib cage.

Mama nodded, seeming to have said what she needed to.

Mike whispered in Rayne’s ear, “Go inside. I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Okay. I’ll get the groceries put away.”

“I hope you got something with fat in it this time,” Mike teased, knowing how healthy Rayne liked to eat. And Mike wouldn’t admit it, but some of that nutritious crap tasted pretty good. He’d never thought he’d actually eat a salad with strawberries and oranges in it, but he had.

“Mama, it’s pretty warm out here. Can I get you a glass of water? Or I made fresh strawberry lemonade this morning with lemons from Mike’s tree.”

Mama’s voice was soft when she answered, “No, baby, I’m fine.”

“Guys, you want anything? Water, lemonade?” Rayne offered Mama’s oversized security men. “A rack of lamb?”

Mama laughed a joyous sound, and a few of the men hid their smiles at Rayne’s joke as they waved their hands to decline—well, all except the Bus.

“Sure, I could use a lemonad—”

Mike’s glare at Buster made him shut the fuck up real quick. If he was thirsty, then he could drink when he wasn’t working.

“Son, I like him. I can see you got yourself a good one there.”

Mike nodded, feeling relieved. “And he’s good for me too.”

“I can tell. Which is why you need to keep him close to you.” Mama was looking toward the patio door.

“What have you heard?” Mike got straight to the point since the pleasantries were over. Now they could get to the bad part. There was always a bad part.

“I’ve heard a lot. Too much,” Mama said, her expression turning serious. “Not two days after Bishop and Trent were at my place celebrating his engagement and Bishop passing some big test at school, out of nowhere, Ivy shows up at the club asking me questions.”

Mike was usually a calculated man when it came to receiving bad news, but this was too unexpected, and he couldn’t withhold the shocked pain in his voice. “Ivy. But what… how? What the fuck does she want?”

Mama stepped closer so no one else could hear them. “To make things right with her son.”

“You’re his mother.” Mike bared his teeth, his fists clenching, “And he’s my son. Ivy gave up that right when she left B in my arms at the hospital. Now she comes back thirty-three years later for a goddamn family reunion?”

“Stay calm, son. I’m going to fix this—”

“Does she know where Bishop is?”

“No. But it won’t be long before she finds him… and you.”

Mike walked off a few paces, needing some air, feeling as if his lungs were restricted of oxygen even though he was outside. Ivy was back, and Mike swore if he ever saw that conniving witch that left him in the middle of the night with a newborn, he’d make her pay. And now… Mike inhaled, but the air got stuck midway down. He could hardly breathe. Rayne. He needed Rayne.

“I’ll keep a lookout for her, Mike. But Trent and Bishop were so drunk the other night, god knows what all they said.” Mama rolled her eyes.

“I need to talk to Bishop before she does,” Mike grated. “I don’t want her around my boy.”

“I don’t either.” Mama closed the space Mike had put between them. “Let me see what else I can find out, okay?”

Mike nodded, his mind spinning at what he’d just heard. This can’t be happening right now.

“Michael.” Mama’s voice was sharp. “You behave until I have more information, you understand me?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Mike murmured, feeling his face and neck grow hotter with anger. Mike walked her to her vehicle and opened the back door for her.

“You and Rayne come by and have dinner with me soon. I want to discuss catering for Bishop’s wedding.” It wasn’t a request; it was an order.

Mike appreciated his mom attempting to depart on a more positive note by mentioning the wedding, but his mind was miles away from that now. He waited until Mama and her security detail were gone before he immediately went in search of some peace.