Chapter Thirty-five


Rayne cleaned the kitchen while Mike locked up the house. Need loomed and coiled in his lower stomach, his cock in a persistent state of hardness that no number of calm breaths could tamp down. By the time Rayne placed the last fork in the dish rack, Mike was turning off the lights in the living room, encasing them in darkness. Rayne dried his hands on the dish towel and hung it on the refrigerator door handle, then joined Mike at the bottom of the stairs.

“What time do you have to be at work in the morning?” Mike asked.

Why in the heck was Mike asking about his schedule? Rayne blinked through the haze, unable to think of much else except his craving to have Mike’s strong body on top of him. The last thing on Rayne’s mind was work or anything having to do with tomorrow. He was completely present in the moment now.


“I have to be to work early, so I’ll probably be gone before you wake up,” Mike admitted.

What? No.Gone. Rayne stopped his whining. What did he think would happen when he moved in? That Mike was going to drop everything and whisk him away to some secluded, romantic place so they could be alone to consummate their new relationship? As much as he wanted that, he needed to be just as disciplined as the man in his arms. Show him that he was his equal.

“I have to be in at nine.” Rayne’s voice was rough; he couldn’t help it.

“Come on. Let’s go up.” Mike took his hand and led them upstairs. When they got to the top, Mike pulled Rayne in and nestled behind his ear.

Rayne’s skin ached to be touched as he molded his front to Mike’s body. He kissed the edge of Mike’s jaw, biting and nipping as his kisses turned more aggressive, his touches growing braver.

“Please,” Rayne begged, praying Mike would understand what he was pleading for.


“Goddamnit,” Mike snarled as Rayne tugged at his mouth with a boldness that surprised him. Unable to stand it any longer, Mike leaned down and captured Rayne’s bottom lip and sucked long and hard until he was satisfied. He tasted sweet and smelled of pure pleasure. Mike feasted on Rayne’s whimpers and moans, delving as deep into his mouth as he could, satisfying him in a way that he couldn’t describe.

Mike groaned low in his throat as confident hands slid across his chest and over his shoulders. Blunt fingertips dug into his muscles as Rayne latched onto him with his entire body.

“Don’t tell me we should wait,” Rayne whispered between impatient kisses.

Mike somehow pulled Rayne even closer. “I can’t,” he confessed weakly. “I’ve wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you.”

“Me too,” Rayne whispered.

“But I didn’t bring you here for this. This isn’t why I asked you to live with me. It wasn’t for easier access.” Mike clutched Rayne’s biceps. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll wait as long as you need me to… until you trust me.”

“The moment I saw you, I knew I could trust you. It’s why I ran straight towards your arms.”

“Rayne.” The throbbing need below Mike’s waistband nearly drowned out the last rational thoughts he had.

“If you only knew how many ways I could satisfy you, Mike.”

I want you to show me. Mike’s cock leaked and curved toward his stomach.

“I’m yours,” Rayne admitted, and Mike felt something in his chest twist and roar from those words. A rush of greed jolted him, fierce and electric.

He held Rayne’s face in his hands so he could look into his eyes. There was nothing hidden from him, and Mike could not only feel, but he could see the admiration Rayne had for him. Mike paused as his emotions choked him because he knew in that very moment, without a doubt in his mind, that the man in his arms was the one he would be with for the rest of his life.

“And I’m yours,” Mike admitted to someone else for the first time in his life as he lifted Rayne into his arms, his long legs straddling his waist and locking behind his back.

He walked them into his bedroom while Rayne ground his hard dick against his abs and sucked ruthlessly on his neck until he left marks. The feel of his mouth at the base of Mike’s throat was almost too intense—he never realized he was that sensitive there. He laid Rayne on his unmade bed and gazed down at him as he writhed against his black sheets like a snake charming its master. It made no sense for someone to be that damn hot, but Rayne was sex personified.

“C’mere,” Rayne beckoned, his voice sensual and smooth. “I wanna feel you on top of me.”

Mike climbed onto the bed and settled all of his two hundred and thirty pounds on top of Rayne’s lean body. His lover arched and cried out softly as if he was in the most exquisite pain. That made two of them. Rayne’s skin felt like the finest satin, and he smelled as if he’d been lying in a field of lavender.

“Tell me what you want,” Mike gritted out as he began to rock his hips in rhythm with Rayne’s languid movements, an ache sinking deep inside of him.