Chapter Thirty-two


“Do you know where Jameson went when he left? Did you ever talk to him again or keep in touch?” Trent asked him. “Did you follow him on Facebook?”

“No, big head.” Mike almost rolled his eyes. “There was no social media back then. I last heard he’d settled in Portland and started his own landscaping company there. But when he left, my anger turned to pure rage, and it took me a long time to get it under control… well, manageable.”

Bishop was quiet for a few moments before he gripped Mike’s shoulder and squeezed. “Slick was a good man. I remember him being cool as fuck like all the time.”

“So is Rayne.” Mike held his son back. “I got another chance, B. No one looks at me the way Rayne does; no one talks to me like him. He makes me feel something good when I’ve only ever done bad shit. It’s like he can’t see that part of me, and I need that, someone who’s not gonna judge me for my own fucked-up past.”

“Yeah. But Rayne is pretty messed up too,” Trent threw out and grabbed himself another beer.

“Which is why we’re not all that opposite. Sure, he probably has a better upbringing and education than me, but he’s made a lot of bad choices, and he doesn’t wanna be punished for it for the rest of his life, just like me. I can give him that.”

Mike thought of how tonight he was going to ask Rayne for a commitment.

“There is something different about him,” Bishop said, brushing his hand over his chin stubble.

“What do you see?” Mike asked, hoping his son saw the same thing he did.

“He idolizes you.”

“And what man wouldn’t want that?” Mike threw his arms up.

“Right,” Trent was quick to agree. “Trust me. I know what it’s like to have a man worship the ground you walk on.”

“Shut the hell up, Trent,” he and Bishop said in unison.

“I’m just saying.” Trent flipped them off.

“So I guess this is happening, huh?” Bishop asked.

Mike took a moment, but he answered with the truth. “If he’ll have me. Yeah, it is happening.”

“Wow,” Trent piped up again. “We’re all settled down and being mature and shit. That’s crazy. Tell him your big news, B.”

“What the hell? This isn’t exactly a good segue,” Bishop fussed. “Read the goddamn room, Trent.”

“We’re outside. We’re not in a room.”

Mike was close enough to pop Trent in the back of the head before he asked, “What news, Bishop?”

“So, I guess the conversation of you being in a relationship with a man is over already?” Bishop asked in surprise.

“Yes. This talk is over. I like Rayne, we’re together, get fuckin’ used to it because you have no other choice. That’s that. Now… what’s going on with you?” Mike took a long drink of his second beer.

“I asked Edison to marry me, and he said yes.”

Mike spit his cold brew all over his azalea bush.

Trent let out a loud laugh. “Are you surprised Bishop asked or surprised Edison said yes? It’s a little of both for me.”

Bishop rushed toward Trent as if he was about to tackle him to the ground, but Mike jumped in his way. “B, talk to me.” A slow grin began to spread across Mike’s face. “Married… you’re getting married. When we talkin’ here?”

“Next month.”

Mike choked. “Next month! That’s no time at all to get everything together.”