Rayne waited after the long pause because there had to be more.

“I’d promised Mike I wouldn’t hurt his son, but I did.” Wood hurried to add, “On accident. But Mike loses his damn mind over his family.”

Rayne didn’t necessarily consider that a negative trait.

“He’s too protective of Bishop and Trent. They’re not little boys anymore—they’re grown men and can fight their own battles.”

Rayne chuckled. This was going to be easier than he’d thought. “Would you mind saying that last sentence out loud again, please? The part about them being grown men and fighting their own…”

Wood grumbled once he got Rayne’s point. “Look. Maybe when it comes to you, I can be a little hypocritical and over-the-top, but I’ve seen how many guys have tried to take advantage of your recovery. Some have even tried to hurt you.”

“Tried and failed,” Rayne rebutted, “because I felt nothing for them. I’ve been waiting to feel a spark of attraction for a long time, Wood.”

“And you feel this… this spark for Mike?” Wood looked as if he wanted to vomit. “A hundred and sixty million men in this country and you had to pick that asshole.”

He’s only an asshole to you because you’re not looking at him the way I am. Rayne hoped he was doing the right thing by following his gut feeling and not his friend’s opinion. But everything in him was screaming not to let Mike pass him by if he was interested. Wood got up with a resigned curse, as if he’d either accepted Rayne’s choice or he was unwilling to continue arguing.

“Does that huff mean you’ll back off and let me come to my own decisions about my personal life… even if it involves Mike?”

“Yes, but you have to swear that you’ll be careful. Like I said, Big Mike’s reputation is well deserved,” he warned one last time.

“I understand. And thank you for caring. But I promise. I’ll be fine.” Damn, Rayne hoped he hadn’t just lied. He got up and went toward the back door, preparing to walk through it and leave all doubt in his past.

“The way he looks at you scares me, Rayne,” Wood confessed close to his back.

“I know.” It scares me too,but in a whole different way. Rayne turned and gently touched the soft beard covering Wood’s strong jaw. “I’ll see you at home.”