“Since you seem to enjoy reading. Did you know that Edison has a library in his house?” Mike winked at Edison, cueing him to chime in.

Rayne’s long lashes fluttered as he appeared to pull himself together. “Um, no, I didn’t.” He turned toward Edison, who was already buzzing in his seat, always eager to talk books and fiction.

“The library needs to be expanded now. I don’t think another book will fit in there.” Bishop smoothed his big palm over Edison’s back, and Mike couldn’t help noticing how quickly Rayne looked away.

If only Mike could give Rayne what he wanted. After he educated himself on Rayne’s disease, he was going to try. He always relished a challenge because nothing good was ever obtained with ease.

“I have a huge collection.” Edison peered around Bishop.

“Anything on yoga or mindfulness? I’ve given him all I have on the subject, but he reads too fast for me,” Chelsea added.

Yoga, huh. Mike filed that information away for later. He knew nothing on that subject either. But he was about to.

“Reads too fast.” Edison gasped while shaking his head. “There’s no such thing.”

Mike was relieved when Rayne laughed. And it was crazy that he could already notice when Rayne had his mask on and when he didn’t.

“But shoot. I don’t think I have any instruction books on yoga, but I do have a couple on meditation and mindfulness.” Edison was already pushing his plate aside and standing. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

“That would be great.” Rayne stood, picking up his half-empty plate.

“Yeah. Let’s see it.” Mike got up as well.

The knowing smile Rayne cast his way made his stomach flip.

“Yeah, let’s,” Wood sneered, standing his big ass up at the same time, looming over Rayne.

“Well, that’s the last we’re going to see of them tonight,” Bishop rumbled as he reclined in the plush patio chair and rubbed his flat stomach. “Trent, you wanna play me in a quick game of 2k before Edison makes me do the dishes?”

“Fuck yeah.” Trent clapped his hands together. “Damn all this talk about books and shit.”

Mike agreed with all of that. He didn’t need his sons to follow them. If it was just the five of them back there, it would give Mike an opportunity to observe Rayne and maybe even make a move.