Hell if he knew because Rayne had also been one of the attendees folded over in his chair laughing as well. “I guess that’s what happens when you get a bunch of ex-cons, tattoo artists, landscapers, and construction workers in one setting. It’s hard for those crazy fools to be quiet or serious for a whole half hour.”

“I’m glad I was able to be here. You guys are like my family now—I don’t know how I would’ve made it through my recovery without every single one of you. Even Edison’s book club was a much-needed escape that came right on time.”

“His discussions are the best, aren’t they?” Rayne agreed.

“No, his food spread during the discussions is the best,” Chelsea said, adding a bit more sway in her hips. “Are you coming with us to the flea market this weekend? Edison said there’s a holistic wellness shop he wants us to go to with him.”

“I can’t.” Rayne grimaced. “Mike and I have to house-sit and watch Trent’s three cats while they’re on their honeymoon.”

“Yikes.” Chelsea cringed. “Then call me later this week. We’ll have breakfast or something. You remember me talking about Rebecca? We’ve been hitting it off the past few weeks, and I want to introduce you to her soon.”

“It’s about time. I would love to put a face with the name.” Rayne kissed her cheek. “Will I see you in my class on Saturday?”

“Yes. I’ll be there. I’m also bringing a friend from work. I told her how great of a yoga instructor you are, and she’s dying to do a session with you.”

“The more, the merrier.” Rayne nodded. He loved being a yoga instructor at a small studio on the oceanfront boardwalk. He made such good money at the spa that he didn’t have to be in there all day. So, he’d made good use of his free time and took a four-week instructor’s course at the YMCA.

“Oh, and make sure you take some video of these guys if they get hammered. I don’t wanna miss it,” she said and went to Wood and Trent to say her goodbyes.

Rayne was ready to get off the dance floor. His Valentino loafers were pinching his pinky toe, and his thighs were still sore from the three yoga classes he’d taught yesterday. Maybe once the bulk of the guests left and it was just Mike and his guys, Rayne could go home and relax in the hot tub and wait for Mike to get home. He was beat from weeks and weeks of preparation for today. Though Mike and Manny had done the majority of the hard stuff, Rayne was still right there helping and assisting with anything they needed.

“Excuse me, excuse me. If I can have everyone’s attention.” Bishop had the mic to his mouth and one hand in the air, trying to project his deep voice over the many conversations.

“Hey! Shut the hell up!” Mike barked, his voice carrying across the backyard and probably over to the next street. “My son is trying to talk.”

Bishop chuckled as silence fell over the crowd. “Thanks, Pops.”

Mike gave him a quick nod and gestured for him to say what he had to say.

“Look, um. I’m not much of a public speaker, but I’m the best man, so I have to say something. However, you all know that we don’t do anything by tradition around here, so I want to have my brothers come up here because this is a toast to our father. The man who made all of this possible for us.”

Rayne gasped as Wood, Trent, and Edison all joined Bishop in the center of the now empty dance floor.

“If you’re standing in this yard, then you’re a close friend or you’re family, and therefore you know our story. You know that we didn’t always have it easy coming up, and life damn sure wasn’t as comfortable as it is now. Trent and I grew up rough, and so did our dad. He raised himself, became a man when he was still just a boy. He had responsibilities forced on him before he was ready.” Bishop’s eyes were on Mike’s, piercing and intense. The four of them were watching Mike and nodding their heads in agreement as Bishop spoke with elegance and maturity. “Now, our father may not have done things the way other fathers did, but we know he did his best, and he never gave up.”

“Not once,” Trent chimed in, a heartfelt expression warming his handsome face. “Especially with me.”

“He gave me a home when my own father turned his back on me,” Wood added. “I was lost, desperate, and I had no family. But Mike showed me what a real father is. One that will even kick your ass if it’s needed.”

That earned a few laughs and jeers from the crowd, knowing Mike could be a hard-ass, but he did it with the best of intentions and always from a place of love.

Edison’s tears were flowing when he glanced up at Bishop and then at Mike. “I remember when I first met Mike.”

“Oh gosh,” Bishop muttered.

“He was lying on the couch naked, and he told me to try not to leave Bishop for the better version,” Edison said around a watery smile. “And I wondered how in the hell was this guy a father? He was so young and full of life. Still is. And it didn’t take long to see that he’s the best father Bishop and Trent could’ve ever had. He’s also an amazing father-in-law. My dad died several years ago, and I never thought I’d feel that fatherly bond ever again. To have that wisdom, support, and the guidance that only a dad can give. But Mike, he… he was there for—”

“It’s okay, baby,” Bishop whispered against Edison’s temple when he became too choked up to finish.

Rayne went and stood behind Mike and put his arms around his waist in support, his best friend, Manny, gripping his shoulder on his right side. It was obvious Mike wasn’t expecting any kind of tribute from his sons. And the sincerity and emotion that emanated from the boys had Rayne trying to swallow down the lump lodged in his throat.

“Fuck. This is harder than I thought it was gonna be.” Bishop wiped at his eyes. “I just, um. I wanna say to our father, on behalf of all of us, thank you. Thank you for being the fierce, loyal man that we love and admire.” Bishop gestured at Trent and Wood’s backyard setup and the gorgeous yet masculine wedding decorations. “All of this is because of him.”

“Mike. Thank you for taking me in and being the father I never had,” Trent croaked. “Neither of my parents wanted me, but you fought to keep me. You never let me convince myself that I was alone and I had no family. Thanks, Pops, for fighting for me and kicking my ass to make me the hardworking, successful man I am today.”

Wood put his hand to his chest, his other arm slung over Trent’s shoulders. “Thank you, Mike, for not letting me self-destruct and ruin the one good thing I’ve ever had. We may scrap and fuss with each other, but I know it’s coming from a good place.”

Mike stood rigid in Rayne’s arms, and he could feel his man about to break down at any moment. Rayne let his happy tears run down his face, knowing that Mike had been waiting all of his life to hear those words. And he’d earned it ten times over.