Chapter Fifty-six


Rayne propped Mike’s cell phone—since his cheap one couldn’t FaceTime—in front of him on the breakfast bar while Chelsea walked on her treadmill, and he put the finishing touches on Mike’s breakfast in bed. He’d done this a hundred times for other men but for all of the wrong reasons. Rayne was doing this for Mike because he was his partner, and he’d had a difficult night and deserved some TLC. Also, it warmed his heart when Mike ate his cooking.

Rayne placed the chopped strawberries around the slices of honeydew, hoping that Mike liked melon. He was positive that he was going to enjoy the mound of bacon and sausage piled high beside the hash browns. Ordinarily Rayne would be against such a savory meal to start the day, but as he stacked the last piece of french toast on the plate, he felt Mike had earned it.

“Hey, Rainy Days. How much are you cooking anyway? We been talking over an hour. I’m on my cooldown.”

“You’ve thought of way too many ways to alter my name.” Rayne smiled at the woman who’d quickly become his best friend. “And to answer your question, I could cook in my kitchen all day, to be honest.”

“Oh, your kitchen, huh?”

“That’s right.” Rayne quirked a challenging brow at her. “Mike said that I had full creative control of the inside of the house, and I’ve arranged this kitchen exactly how I want it. Mike only comes in here to get a drink or add more of what I cooked onto his plate.”

Chelsea wiped her forehead before she smiled and said, “I’m so happy for you, babe. You have a sexy, older man that adores you, and he’s like the real deal.”

She had that right. There wasn’t a single thing fake or phony about Mike Stockley. Rayne could almost hear the ticks of his heart. “Yeah. I didn’t think it was possible to care for someone this much.”

“Oh, Rain or Shine, you deserve this too, y’know. Happiness. A man that wants you for who you are inside.”

“You’re right. Good looks fade. And it’s nice to know Mike isn’t with me just for that.”

“Yeah, but he’s also not blind, Rayne.”

“True. But I know for a fact that Mike would rather keep me here in this house curled up under him and safe than take me out every other day and show me off on his arm like some kind of a peacock. My looks aren’t the first thing he sees.”

“Have you guys been on a date at all?” Chelsea powered down her treadmill and took large, loud gulps of her Propel water.

“You mean where we both get dressed up and go out and spend three hundred dollars on dinner and a show? That’s an official date, right? Then, I guess, no.” Rayne thought about it for a moment as he warmed the maple syrup. He shrugged with a small, contented smile tugging on his lips. “Honestly, I’m kind of over all that nonsense. I like going to work all day, then coming home to cook dinner and eat with my partner while he teases my food. And just… just be home. I haven’t had that since I was nineteen, Chels. I’ve spent the last ten years ripping and running all over the country and a few others chasing men—benefactors—in and out of fancy restaurants, hotels, yachts, whatever. I truly want to put down some roots now and just enjoy being in one place with one guy.”

“That you love,” Chelsea finished for him with a playful grin.

Rayne nodded, his smile stretching across his face. I do.I love him so much already. All the good in him, the bad, and especially the ugly.

“Okay, I’m all done.” Rayne took the fresh-squeezed orange juice out of the refrigerator and filled Mike’s glass and set it beside his cup of black coffee. “I need to get this upstairs while the eggs are still hot.”

“Okay, good luck, November Rain.” Chelsea chuckled. “I’ll see you at hot vinyasa this afternoon, yeah?”

“Yes. I’ll be there. And by the way, Rayne is fine… just plain ole Rayne,” he grumbled. “I have a feeling you’re just googling sayings with the word ‘rain’ in it.”

Chelsea’s laugh was loud as always. “Hey. Are we going yard saleing this weekend? I saw at least three community sale signs on my way home today.”

“Yes, for sure.” Rayne looked at her. “I really wanna find an area rug for Mike’s room, and I need some more bathroom accessories for the downstairs.”

“He even lets you rearrange his room?” Chelsea blinked.

“All the rooms,” Rayne bragged.

“Gosh. You’re spoiled already. They just can’t help themselves when it comes to you.” Chelsea shook her head, then disconnected the call.


Mike wanted to go downstairs and find Rayne after he’d washed his face and brushed his teeth, but all he’d been able to do was limp back to the bed and fall onto it face-first. He couldn’t believe the pain and aches radiating from every part of him. He believed Rayne had been right last night—if he hadn’t pulled and stretched him like Gumby, Mike would’ve been damn near paralyzed this morning. Though his muscles still felt as if they were about to spasm into painful cramps at any moment.

Damnit. He couldn’t stay in bed all day. He had a meeting at noon with… Mike sighed into his pillow as reality slammed into his chest. Actually, he didn’t have shit to do today. There was no reason to take Rayne to Mama’s for lunch to talk about her providing the desserts for the wedding. He no longer needed to go to Chesapeake to cash in on his favor with Ron—a well-sought-after events videographer—about using his services for the ceremony. None of that was necessary.

All Mike had to do now was lie there the rest of the day because he wasn’t needed for anything. He was knee-deep in self-pity when Rayne came through the door carrying a tray with both hands. Mike used every ounce of strength he had to prop himself up against the headboard.