Polly was inside of Cinder’s cabin just long enough that Sam started getting antsy.

Micah understood, though he’d always thought that the need to be near his soulmate at all times would lessen after they cemented their bond. If Sam and Polly were anything to go by, it looked like it only got worse.

Something to look forward to then.

While they waited, Micah and Sam discussed what would happen next. It was hard to believe that it had only been a full day since Polly managed to trick Lucifer into giving her their key. Knowing that Lucifer didn’t have it any longer was a weight off of their minds, and Sam made sure to point out that Phoenix’s revival meant that completely breaking Lucifer’s curse was back on the table.

Micah corrected Sam, telling him, “Her name is Cinder,” but that was all he said in answer to that.

Though he was the youngest prince, he wasn’t naive. He knew exactly what having Cinder back meant. Three royal angels. Three soulmates. Now that both Raze and Sam had claimed theirs, if Micah tied Cinder to him, all they needed was their talisman in their possession and Lucifer’s curse would be broken.

In one fell swoop, the Angels of Sin City would have complete control of their powers again and be able to return to Heaven. Three days ago, it was impossible. All they wanted was to take their key back from their old enemy. But now that Cinder was there…

She was the missing piece of the puzzle. Not only that, but she had the key. Just like Polly, she’d outsmarted Lucifer.

He wouldn’t like that. He was probably down in the Pit, stewing over his next step, preparing how he would get revenge on all of them.

Micah knew that. So did Sam. Raze treated Becca like he expected her to disappear if he so much as let her out of his sight. Lucifer wouldn’t go quietly into the night. He’d be back, and now Micah was beginning to get as antsy as Sam was.

Desperate to change the subject, he asked if Raze knew what was going on. The night before last, Sam and Micah decided that what their older brother didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, and until they figured out why Sam sensed Phoenix’s magical signature out on his balcony, he didn’t want to involve Raze.

“Because you don’t want to tell him that you had the key, then lost it?” Micah had asked.

Sam’s sheepish expression told him that he got it in one.

Raze already wasn’t too keen on the idea of letting Polly get involved. He was of the mind that a soulmate needed to be protected. Surprising, considering he’d spent the last three millennia acting as if a soulmate was the last thing he needed, but Micah knew better. After seeing how much his youngest brother suffered after losing Phoenix, Raze wasn’t taking any chances with Becca. He didn’t think Sam should with Polly, even if he wasn’t the biggest fan of the human thief.

With the reveal that Cinder was back, plus the truth that she had been a pawn for Lucifer, they wouldn’t be able to keep everything from Raze much longer. By the time the door to Cinder’s cabin opened, Polly just about skipping down the walkway toward her mate, the two angels had decided that Sam would tackle telling Raze while Micah figured out his next move with his soulmate.

Micah envied Sam his task. Then again, he was sure his brother felt the same way…

He frowned. While Sam watched his mate hungrily, Micah’s only concern was for the key that Polly promised she’d get from Cinder. The blonde was there, but apart from Sam’s celestial aura wrapping around her, there was no other source of power emanating from her.

It took Sam a second, but he realized the same thing. After reaching out his hand, snagging Polly’s, pulling her into a quick side-armed hug, he asked his soulmate, “Where’s the key?”

Polly shrugged before leaning into Sam, her hand resting on his torso. “Don’t have it.”

“What’s the matter, baby? Couldn’t get it?”

“Oh, no. I got it. Twice, actually, when that stinking crow tried to test me. He’s not so bad when I’m expecting him, but I made sure the witch and her familiar know that I’m not fooling around.” She glanced over at Micah. “I like her. She’s gonna fit in real well with the rest of us. The way she turned down Lucifer? She’s got balls. Good for her.”

Micah didn’t know what to say so he just nodded.

Sam poked his soulmate gently in her side. “So… the key?”

“Oh. Right.” Polly patted his chest. “I let her keep it.”

“What? Why?”

“Because she needed a reason to see Micah again so I gave her one.” Again, she glanced his way. Her green eyes were glittering mischievously. “You can thank me later.”

* * *

Unless he was imagining it—and, these days, it was a possibility—Cinder was nearby.

Micah sat straight in his seat, reaching out with his aura toward her. No answer, but he wasn’t expecting one. Without her acknowledging that she was his mate, she might not even recognize that it was his.