“That I’ll never be for sale.” Polly wiggled her fingers in front of him. “These are. You want something, I’ll get it for you, so long as the price is right. But if you want me, you’ve got to earn it.”

Sam nodded. “Like your trust.”

“That’s right.”

Now that he understood. “I wanted to tell you,” he blurted out. “So many times. But you… I’ve never felt drawn to another soul like this. I couldn’t since, whether I knew it or not, I’ve always been waiting for you. Just you. Because Becca was right. You are my soulmate, Polly. The only one I’ve ever had. The only one I’ll ever want.”

“Even if I’m a thief?”

So what if she was a thief? He was a former angel of death and she never acted like that made him any less. He’d messed up once before by suggesting that she give up her livelihood. It had been a moment of weakness, brought on by his fears of losing her before he claimed her and made her immortal.

Now he knew better. She was a thief, and his soulmate—and he wouldn’t want her any other way.

“Baby, you’re not just a thief,” he said, his voice lowering as truth blazed in the depths of his black eyes. “You’re a fucking amazing thief. I mean, think about it. You’d have to be, wouldn’t you? Since, from the moment you first called me ‘Ace’, you stole my goddamn heart…”