“That’s a start. But you know that retrieving our talisman and having the dragons purify our key with their fire and their magics is only one thing we need to break Lucifer’s damned curse.”

Raze was right. He did know. “I know.”

“We each need to claim our mate.”

“I know, Raze.”

His oldest brother narrowed his gaze on him. “So you know what you need to do.”

I know.

The last time, he’d wanted to wait. He’d wanted to give Phoenix all the time in the world. But she wasn’t Phoenix anymore. She was Cinder.

She was broken and battered, her fire all but extinguished.

“It’s not that easy,” Micah finally said. “She doesn’t remember me. She knows I’m her soulmate because Polly told her, but we haven’t even discussed it yet. Claiming her is forever. She has no reason to want to tie herself to me like that.”

“Right,” scowled Raze, “because fucking Lucifer messed with her memories. Or maybe her being a witch is doing it, I don’t know. But I talked to Sam. He’s sure that she’s the same which means her memories have got to be in there somewhere. She’s your soulmate. Deep down she has to remember that.”

Raze sounded so sure. Micah only wished that he could be, too.

“I don’t know…”

“Have you asked Hilda?”

Micah had a good relationship with the witch who managed the Twilight Café. He had to after all the times he played around with her warding spells and he had to ask her to replace them. But, for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why Raze was mentioning her.

“I’m not worried about getting that damn phone to work right now, Raze.”

“Me, neither. But maybe it takes another magic user to figure out what got broken inside of yours. You ever think of that?”

Actually… no. He hadn’t.

“You think it would work?”

“It couldn’t hurt.”

Raze had a point. “I could see if Cinder is willing to talk to another witch. It doesn’t seem like she has been in touch with her coven since she’s been back. You’re right. It can’t hurt.”

“Ask your witch if you want. If that doesn’t work, you can wait to see if she falls in love with you again. You can wait to see if she remembers you. You can see if the witches can figure out what’s wrong with one of their own. I don’t give a shit what you do, Micah, but you have to claim her one way or another. Understand?”

Something in Raze’s brusque command rubbed Micah the wrong way. “Why? Because it’ll break Lucifer’s curse?”

Raze was a god among men. To the rest of the world, he wore a shield that none could penetrate until a red-headed demoness got under his skin. Even so, with his thousand-dollar suits and his hundred-yard stare, he was untouchable.

But to Sam and Micah? He would always be their brother.

“No, Micah. Because you need her. And I can’t stand to watch you lose her again. The last four decades were bad enough. So make her yours. The rest will work itself out.”

A lodge lumped in Micah’s throat. He forced it down. “Thanks, Raze.”

Raze pocketed their talisman. “Don’t thank me. Thank Phoenix.”

Micah smiled. He couldn’t help it. “Her name is Cinder.”