For now, he was still a threat. So while Micah was glad she didn’t want to leave the safety of the warded hotel, he ached to know that a pocketful of dollars was all that his precious soulmate had. Taking a credit card from his wallet, he gave her carte blanche to buy whatever she needed—and whatever she wanted—from any of the hotel’s many businesses.

She tried to refuse. She threatened to burn the plastic if Micah wouldn’t take the card back. In the end, she learned one thing about her angel.

Micah was the good one. The nice one. He could also be as stubborn as his brothers.

Cinder kept the card.

Not quite trusting this new version of his witch, he made her promise she would at least order in something to eat. As much as he longed to invite her to eat with him, he knew that this was probably way too much to throw at her all at once. Room service would suffice for now, and after he got her word, he left her alone so that he could go talk to his brother.

Raze was still sitting at his desk, thumbing through a thick binder, when Micah let himself back into their office.

In answer to Raze’s questioning look, he held up the key.

His brother rose from his seat, skirting around his desk so that he could meet Micah near the closed door. “She’s here?”

He’d never been able to hide anything from Raze. Then again, considering how quickly Sam and Micah realized that the red-haired waitress Raze hired was his soulmate, their brother wasn’t as much of a blank page as he thought he was, either.

“She is. She brought me the key, and I offered her a room. She’s on the thirteenth floor.”

“Good. I really didn’t want to have to take it from her forcefully. Better that she give it up on her own.” He narrowed his gaze on the glimmering key. “And you’re sure it’s the right one, yeah? Our talisman.”

Micah held the key out to Raze. “Check for yourself.”

The eldest angel’s fingers closed over it. Once it was enclosed in his palm, Raze gave a full-body jerk. His eyes went from dark blue to a glowing cerulean color that shined out of his face. His black wings burst out of him, shredding the back of his suit jacket.

Every inch of him took on a faint golden tint as his lost halo blazed on the edge of his outline.

He blinked, shuttering the bright glow. Closed, then open, and his steely blue gaze was back. With a snap of his shoulders, he disappeared his wings. The golden glimmer faded, though his hair still glittered.

Glancing behind him, Raze cursed. His jacket was shot to shit. He must not have expected to use his wings and had worn one of the few pieces of clothing not designed by their fairy tailor.

Hiding a small smile, Micah said, “Satisfied, Raze?”

Micah was used to the power, even if it had been millennia since he experienced it. After all, the key had been his before Raze and Sam accidentally lost it—or, as they knew now, Lucifer had stolen it.

“I know you’re hard up for your mate, Micah, but don’t be a dick to me. You could’ve just said it was our talisman.” He twirled it. “You know I have to bring this to the dragons, right?”

The brothers had thought it was a possibility. As soon as they realized that Lucifer had had it all along, they worried about the effects Hell might’ve had on the celestial key. Only the king of the dragons had dragonfire powerful enough to purify any traces of evil that might’ve clung to their talisman.

His surprise wasn’t that it was necessary. Oh, no. It was that Raze was offering to go.


“We can’t risk losing it again. One of us has to fly it to London. You have your soulmate to tend to. And Sam…”

Well. Sam, as always, was Sam.

Micah nodded. “Okay. When are you going?”

“Soon. I have to talk to Becca and settle some things for the casino, so maybe a day or two? As soon as I can.”

Raze would never risk flying such a distance with his mate. Becca would have to stay behind.

“I can go,” Micah said. “It doesn’t have to be you. You can stay with Becca and—”

His brother cut him off with a sharp shake of his head. “No. It has to be me. I told you. You have your witch to take care of.”

“I did. I got her in a room already, didn’t I?”