He couldn’t say that. Polly already informed Micah that she told Cinder that little detail, but until she seemed more receptive to him discussing their relationship, he decided to keep that to himself.

Instead, he simply said, “I am.”

“Angel of Sin City.”

Lifting his hand, Micah scratched the back of his head before nodding sheepishly. The nickname for him and his brothers had never been his choice—that was all Raze—but he couldn’t deny it. After all, what was he if he wasn’t one of the most well-known angels in the City of Sin?

“You’ve been researching me?”

“A little,” she admitted. “You already know I don’t remember you. To be fair, I don’t remember a lot of anything. Knowledge is power, right? I thought I would see what I could find out about you before we met again.”

Micah wasn’t sure how to react to that. Telling her that he’d answer any question she had might be coming on a little too strong, and he settled on saying, “Learn anything interesting?”

“Enough to know that I shouldn’t hold onto this.” Pulling the key out of her pocket, she showed it to him. “Here.” Cinder offered him the key. “This is yours.”

“If I take this, Lucifer will see this as a betrayal. This isn’t you keeping it. I don’t know what deal you made with him, but there’s a good chance this will break it.”

He watched her swallow roughly. “I… I know.”

“And you’re sure you want to give it to me?”

Could Polly possibly have been this right?

“Yes. I’m sure. Polly explained that this means a lot more to you than to me. She’s right. I want you to have it.”

Micah didn’t know his brother’s soulmate all that well, but he was sure he was never going to live this down.

He held out his hand. After only a split second’s hesitation, Cinder dropped it against his palm.

The moment his fingers closed around the handle of the key, Micah took a deep breath. For the first time in millennia he felt… whole. Complete. Like the cherub he had been created to be. The power hummed all the way through him, bringing a smile to his lips.

“I don’t know what to say except thank you.”

Cinder nodded. On her shoulder, Crow angled his head, hopping until he was nestled in her dark hair. Almost absently, she reached up her empty hand, rubbing her forefinger along his head.

And Micah realized that, as good as holding his key felt, he wasn’t whole. He wasn’t complete.

He wouldn’t be until he had finally made Cinder his for the rest of his immortal life.

Micah had hope. She’d come to him, she’d given him the key. Maybe she felt something for him. Maybe she just wanted to know more about their past… if that was the case, he could do that. They could make new memories, he could tell her all about her old ones, whatever she wanted.

But, first, he needed to find some way to assuage his need to have her close. And maybe it wasn’t all that angelic of him, but Micah had spent three full days trying to figure out how to convince his soulmate to give him a second chance. He’d thought up hundreds of plans before discarding all of them.

Until Cinder walked right into the hotel and he knew exactly what he had to do.

The Twilight Sphere was warded. Initially, with all the different factions calling it home—whether because they housed their business in the building, or because they lived in the rooms like the angel princes did—it was warded against the clashing powers and the might of the angels’ celestial aura since it was pretty damn hard to run a casino, a bar, a night club, and more when they kept shorting out the hotel’s electricity.

She’d be safe here. He’d be sane again having her near, and Lucifer would be shit out of luck…

Micah took her hand.

Cinder shivered. So did he.

“I was able to find you in that cabin,” he said. “Do you think Lucifer could, too?”

“Actually, yes. He… he brought me to it a week or so ago. He gave it to me.”