So, when the door opened, she had it in her hand. Bluffing had worked before. If she got lucky, it would work again.

Only… she’d been expecting Lucifer. The angel called Micah. Definitely a celestial.

But the busty blonde who walked into Cinder’s cabin like she owned it wearing a smirk on her pretty face? A busty blonde who was undeniably human? A busty human blonde that seemed familiar to Cinder even if she couldn’t quite place how she knew her?

Yeah. She hadn’t been expecting that.

“Who are you?” she demanded.

The woman lifted her hand, wagging her fingers at Cinder.

Shoving the key into the back pocket of her jeans, Cinder marched toward the woman. She held up one hand, almost mimicking the stranger. There was one big difference, though. A stream of fire shot out of Cinder’s palm.

To her surprise, it fell just short, as if the blonde woman had some kind of forcefield around her.

She yawned.

“What are you doing at my cabin? You’re not supposed to be here. Hey—hey. What are you doing now?”

As if she couldn’t hear Cinder’s baffled screech, the woman—completely unharmed by Cinder’s fire—strolled toward her before making a complete circle around her. Cinder spun on her heel, following her motion. When the woman smiled, she felt like she was missing something.

“Nice trick,” she said. “The fire, I mean. Want to see one of mine?”

“Who are you?”

“Polly. Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll be great friends sooner or later. But, first… missing something?”

“Missing? What are you talking about?”

With a sly smile, Polly lifted her hand. There, tucked beneath her thumb, was the key that should’ve been in Cinder’s pocket.

She slapped her ass. Her pocket was empty.

Nice trick… want to see one of mine?

“How did you do that?”

Polly offered Cinder an impish shrug. “You can shoot fire out of your palms. I can pick pockets. We all have our skills.”

“I wasn’t aiming at you before,” Cinder lied. She formed a fireball around her right fist. “Give me back that key and I won’t hit you for real this time.”

“No can do. My soulmate needs it. Lucifer cursed him so that his powers are growing weaker and weaker the longer he and his brothers don’t have that thing.”

“So? Believe me, I earned that key fair and square. I got it from Lucifer—”

“Me, too, chicky.”

Recognition dawned. Now Cinder knew why the woman seemed so familiar. She was the human on the balcony that she’d sent Crow after.

“In that case, I took it from you. That means it’s mine.”

“Following your logic,” retorted Polly, “now that I have it, it’s mine. But look… I don’t want to argue with you. It isn’t about who stole the key from who. It’s about who needs it more.”

“Right. I do.”

If she thought it would be that easy, she had another think coming…

Polly tried another tactic. “You don’t want to see your soulmate suffer, do you? Well, any more than poor Micah already has.”