Polly’s green eyes twinkled. “Really? Really, handsome? You don’t think a cheap lock like that is gonna stop me, do you?”

Sam opened his mouth, thought about what he was going to say for a moment, then shook his head.

“Good angel,” Polly said approvingly.

Micah couldn’t just let his brother’s soulmate go in there unprepared. “Be careful. She’s a witch.”

Polly arched an eyebrow. “So? I’m soul-bonded to an angel. Makes me immortal now. Let her hit me with a spell.” She jerked her thumb over at Sam. “I got Death on my side. I’ll be fine.”

As Polly strode toward the cabin’s entrance, Sam just about swooned as he bumped shoulders with Micah. “I fucking love that woman.”


Micah nudged him back. “You’re not worried that Cinder’s going to hurt her?”

“Cinder?” asked Sam, confused. “Who’s Cinder?”

“You know.” Micah pointed at the cabin.

“You mean Phoe—”

Micah shook his head roughly before Sam could finish her name. It stung to admit it, but his Phoenix was gone. He didn’t think she was ever coming back, but if that meant he had to take Cinder as his mate instead? He would.

“No. Her name is Cinder now.”

There was something in his tone of voice that had Sam looking at him, worry written into the lines of his face.

Micah knew why, too.

He was the nice one. The easy-going one. He never used that tone of voice—especially not with his brother.

Raze would’ve had something to say about that. A lecture, or a comment at the least. Not Sam.

He just shrugged. “Cinder. I take it she’s still a fire witch, though?”


“I’ve been on the receiving end of her magic more than once. It’s nothing my mate can’t handle now that she’s immortal. Besides, your witch is pretty harmless.”

Micah sighed. “I… she’s not my witch anymore, Sam.”

* * *

For all her boasting and her bravado, Cinder never expected to make it back to her cabin alive. Using a short transport spell—the lengths she could travel under her own power—she went just out of sight of Lucifer and that other angel. The handsome one.

The one who made her head pound when she looked too closely at him…

She didn’t consider it running away. It was more of a strategic retreat, and as she headed back toward the cabin, she expected Lucifer to appear with every step.

Even if he didn’t? It wasn’t like he didn’t know where to find her. He was the one who put her up in the cabin in the first place!

Lucifer didn’t show, though. Neither did the angel. At least, not right away. Having sent Crow ahead of her, she found her familiar perched on the shabby roof of the small cabin, the setting sun winking against the golden key trapped in his beak.

Apart from the clothes on her back and some money Lucifer gave her before he sent her back to the human world, Cinder didn’t have anything. The cabin door was closed, but not locked, and she opened it with her shoulder before gesturing for Crow to come inside.

With the priceless key back in her possession, she did lock the door, though it ended up being a useless gesture a little over an hour later when it popped open.

Cinder had expected it. Especially once she picked up on the celestial aura outside of the cabin, she knew it was only a matter of time. For that reason, she didn’t even try to hide the key. In the flurry of what happened during the failed exchange, she had dropped the charmed bag that hid its power. Even if she tried to put it out of sight, anyone would be able to track it by its strength.