She stole the key. With Crow’s help, Cinder took the angels’ talisman. Not only did he leave without retrieving it from her, but he’d followed her demand to go before getting her to tell him how she was alive again.

It was the way she looked at him. The way she looked through him. He could tell when souls were being honest, and Cinder? As hard it was to believe, she meant it when she said she didn’t know him. Nothing less than her being completely unaware who her lifemate was could have him respecting her command and soaring away.

Now, though, with a few miles separating them, he regretted leaving her so soon. He could’ve tried harder. For his brothers’ sake, he could’ve at least asked her about the key.

He had to go back.

And if Micah knew that he was just looking for a reason to return to her… well, she was his soulmate. Whether she remembered him or not, it didn’t change the facts.

Micah spun on his heels, releasing his wings so quickly that he nearly clipped a pair of tourists heading toward the entrance to Twilight Sphere.

Ignoring the murmurs, the mumbles, and the astonished shouts, he launched back into the sky again.

Micah wasn’t the type of angel who gave up. If he could spend years trying to figure out how to make human tech survive around his flaring aura, then he sure as hell wasn’t going to give up on his soulmate after only a few minutes’ talk.

At the very least, he should probably let her know that she was his soulmate…