Sam stiffened. “Say that again.”

Honestly, he had almost thought he’d imagined her confession of love earlier when they were mating because he wanted so badly for Polly to feel the same way about him. Sure, she agreed to bond with him, and he felt affection in her teases even before they spent the last couple of weeks together, but he expected it would take a while to earn her love.

“I love you,” she repeated.

And he knew intuitively that his soulmate was telling the truth.

Sam dropped his mouth to kiss the back of her neck, his heart full to bursting with love for her. And that wasn’t all. As Polly snuggled back in his embrace, her ass nestled even further against the aching erection in his unbuttoned jeans. Rising up on her tiptoes again, she arched her back, leaning with her wrists hanging over the balcony. This time, she wasn’t marveling at the sights down below but, instead, letting him know that while he might’ve earned that BJ for later, right now, she was more interested in getting him back inside of her.

As far as Sam was concerned, the bed couldn’t wait. On the heels of her confession, he needed to claim her again or he was going to explode in his pants.

Hm. All she wore was the plush Twilight Sphere robe. Pulling it open was out of the question—humans wouldn’t be able to see their bodies working up on the balcony, however one of the faction beings might—but if he lifted the hem up over her ass, he might be able to take her from behind right then and there.

Hmm… To do that, he would need two hands first.

Lust clouding his mind, his cock pulsing with the need to be sheathed inside of Polly’s pussy again, Sam wasn’t thinking about anything except doing just that.

“Hold this for me,” he murmured, pressing the talisman against her palm. “I just want to—”

It all happened so fast after that. Sam hadn’t even grabbed the hem of her robe when Polly let out a gasp.

The crow appeared out of nowhere. Cloaked in shadows and magic, Sam wouldn’t have even known it was a crow if it wasn’t for the faint aura clinging to the bird right as it flew straight at Polly.

Swooping up from below, its black-feathered body arrowing to give it more speed, it aimed for her right hand—


—before flying off with the angels’ golden talisman clamped firmly in its beak.

Polly turned into Sam, clutching his bare chest. “Sam! The bird has the key! He took it right out of my hand. It’s gone!”

“Are you okay? Polly, baby, tell me you’re okay.”

“I’m fine,” she rushed out. “But the key!”

Bending his back, Sam released his wings. After tucking Polly beneath one, he checked to make sure that the crow really hadn’t scratched her with its claws or pecked at her hand before it stole the key. Once he was sure that she was fine if a little shaken up, his plan was to usher her into the safety of the hotel before he tore off after the crow.

Sam was an angel. He knew the skies over the City of Sin better than some bird, touched by magic or not. Add that to the lure of their talisman and he’d be able to track it down in no time.

And that’s when he felt a burst of magic rush back at the hotel from the direction where the bird had flown off to. It was a backlash that had Sam curving his wings around Polly to protect her, and when it was gone, he could no longer feel the tug of the talisman nearby.

But that was barely a blip on his radar. Because, when the remnants of the spell—which had obviously disappeared the crow and the talisman—slammed into Sam’s aura, his wings ruffled.

That wasn’t the first time he’d been on the receiving end of one of her spells—and, in the four decades since he had been, she’d only grown stronger.


* * *

His erection duly forgotten, Sam led Polly back to their room. After slamming the door to the balcony closed behind them, he began to pace. Polly tightened her robe, her earlier humor missing as she tried to apologize again for the second time, vowing that she’ll steal it back from whoever dared steal it from them.

Sam silenced his soulmate with a kiss, his black eyes flashing as he made it clear that if anyone was to blame for the crow flying off with the talisman, it was him. He could’ve brought it back into the room. He could’ve brought it to Raze once he realized he had it. He could’ve dropped it into his damn pocket.

But he didn’t. He pressed it against Polly’s palm, and now a magic-touched crow had it.

No. Not a crow.

A familiar.