Holy shit, Polly thought as Lucifer disappeared in a rush of fire and fury. That actually worked!

She’d never admit it to Sam, but she’d given her odds a 60/40 split. Enough that she felt confident that her plan would work, but nowhere near good enough that she could tell her partner that she wasn’t bluffing.

There was no way in, ahem, hell that Sam would’ve let her go through with it if she had confessed what she had in mind when they set out to summon Lucifer earlier that afternoon. She figured this was payback for making her wait more than a month before he admitted that she was his soulmate.

Now that she was looking at starting forever with him, Polly decided it was only fair that they started their eternity together on an even footing.

Well, as even as it could be when a human thief found her happily-ever-after with an angel prince…

Turning to look at Sam, she wore a cheeky smile that she refused to erase in the face of his menacing scowl. Once again she knew who that look was for. And, sure, maybe he actually meant to direct it at Polly, but only because he was obviously terrified that he was seconds away from losing her.

She showed him the key. “Got it.”

“Forget the fucking talisman,” he growled, the rasp of his voice turning her on so suddenly, she could just about ignore the stink of rotten eggs that lingered around them. “What were you thinking? That was Lucifer. If he had taken your soul—”

Is that what had him so worked up?

Reaching up on her tiptoes, Polly patted Sam’s cheeks, silencing him immediately. “Ah, but he couldn’t.”

Sam blinked. “What?”

“Said he couldn’t, Ace. Even if me being an atheist didn’t do the job, I had a backup plan.”

It was the first thing she learned in her line of work. Always have a backup plan.

And she was looking at hers.

“Pol, baby…” The stark look in his black eyes started to fade. Good. “You can’t tell me after all of this that you still don’t believe in the celestial realm. In Hell. In Lucifer.”

She shrugged, knowing she was goading him, but also aware that he expected nothing less from her. And if they were going to spend the rest of eternity together… well, Sam better get used to it.

“Maybe it’s real. Maybe, one day, if this doo-hickey”—Polly waved the key held tightly in her grasp—“does what it’s supposed to, you can show me around. They say seeing is believing, right? Bring me to Heaven, and I’ll reconsider my stance on it all being real. Until then, there are only two things I believe.”

Palming the key so that her fingers were free, Polly pressed her fingertips against Sam’s heaving chest.

“I believe in us, and I believe that Lucifer can’t do shit about taking my soul when I’ve already given it to you.”

Sam’s lips parted. Almost as if unaware of his reaction, his wings shivered before collapsing against his back.

She couldn’t help but smirk.

“I’m your soulmate, yeah? That goes both ways. You’re mine. And I’m ready for you to prove it.”

Just like how his cock went erect, his wings sprung back open. His black eyes gleamed.

Polly giggled, the sky swallowing the sound as her soulmate lunged for her, wrapping her up in his arms before he launched into the air with her.

* * *

Sam flew Polly straight to the casino.

He didn’t stop back at her apartment. He didn’t even think to check that she had a good grip on the talisman. The taint of Hell mingling with Heaven’s magic flew with him so he knew she had it—and that was good enough for him. Right now, his instincts were telling him to get her to safety as fast as he could.

And maybe he was pushing her too hard, too fast. He gave his word that their mating would go at her speed. If all she wanted was to have fun with him, he’d accept that because at least she was spending time with him.

Her apartment wasn’t warded, though. The magic charms she bought from the witches might have lured Lucifer to the surface, but that was only because it amplified her aura. Falling prey to his own plans of vengeance, Lucifer hadn’t been able to resist coming after Sam’s soulmate the way he used Raze’s Becca as a pawn.