Sam never wanted to argue with his soulmate—and then he met Polly Benson.

Armed with the sachet full of herbs, bits of bones, and whatever magic the witches cobbled together to beckon Lucifer topside, she waited until the afternoon of their plan being put into place to insist on doing the snatch and grab on her own.

Yeah. That was a hard no.

The plan was simple. Using the spell they ordered from Hilda’s coven—the only one that Sam trusted with this—Polly was going to lure Lucifer to the surface. That was a non-negotiable point that Sam held to. Even if there was some way for a human to visit Hell without dying, there was no way for Sam to follow her down below. As one of the Fallen, he was trapped in Purgatory. And he wasn’t about to let Polly face Lucifer without him.

It had taken two weeks for Hilda to come through with the spell. During those fourteen days, they went over the plan countless times. Polly came up with a few different ways she could think to get the key off of Lucifer, and so long as Sam was allowed to hover invisibly nearby, he left the plotting up to her.

Polly was confident that they could pull it off. After her discussion with Becca, she was sure that pretending to offer her soul to Lucifer was their best shot at getting to the key. The lord of Hell was always looking to add to his collection of demons, and especially with her tie to Sam, he’d be delighted to have Polly’s.

Of course, she wasn’t going to do it. It was all a con, a way to trick Lucifer into revealing where he had the key. Sam was hoping he was still wearing it the same way he was when he showed it off to Becca, and if he sensed that his mate was hiding something from him, he looked past it because everything else between him and Polly was fucking amazing.

He hadn’t been back to the casino during those two weeks. Though he hoped to have her move into the safety of the Twilight Sphere hotel with him eventually, for now he was happy to watch her from the security of her bedroom.

Considering he spent as much time with her in it as possible, it only made sense.

Starting with the night she found out the truth about being his soulmate, Polly had done everything to make him welcome. She was a thoughtful and generous teacher as well as a demanding lover. For the first time in centuries, Sam actually slept every night if only because she left him exhausted after hours of pleasure.

The rush of doing good deeds was nice, but Polly guiding his head between her legs where he lapped at her until she was mindlessly riding his face… Sam hadn’t been happier in recent memory. He looked forward to the time when he wouldn’t have to interrupt their explorations of each other with talks of Lucifer, but until then, he enjoyed every minute he spent with Polly.

To his surprise, she seemed to enjoy being with him, too. As the days passed, he began to think that she might be growing to care for him almost as much as he loved her.

Which made the idea of letting her face Lucifer—even with him returning to his role as her guardian angel—that much harder.

He didn’t want to fight her, but when Sam tried to convince Polly that there had to be another way without involving her, she nearly shouted the apartment building down when she made her point that she only ever gave up a gig when she thought she was in over her head. His brothers were expecting her to get the key, Sam asked her for it, so she was going to do it. Sam held his own for as long as he could—and, he had to admit, the make-up sex almost made losing the fight worth it—but, in the end, Polly told him she was doing this.

Knowing her well enough by now that there was no way to get her to change her mind, Sam simply said that they were doing this.

A fact that he reiterated when she later tried to tell him she’d handle it all on her own.

They had agreed that Polly would set off the spell, then wait on her own for Lucifer to arrive. Meanwhile, Sam would stay just out of Lucifer’s reach, flying so that he was invisible. Instead of heading into the City of Sin, Polly would use an empty park near her apartment to contact the lord of Hell so that, in case anything went wrong, no one else would be hurt.

Sam pointedly vowed that no one would be hurt.

He hated having to leave her sitting by herself on the edge of a broken bench. Though the abandoned park had certainly seen better days, the scenery coupled with how she had buried her face in her hands only added to the image she was going for.

A desperate, frightened human on the run from one of the Angels of Sin City.

Hilda warned that the spell could take hours before Lucifer answered its call—and that was even if he did. Sam was prepared to circle Polly for as long as it took, but mere minutes after she set it off, the air filled with the smell of fire and brimstone.

And there he was. Appearing in a circle of flames, a curious look on his long face, Lucifer looked down at Polly.

She jumped, then immediately got to her feet. “Who… who are you?”

“You know exactly who I am,” Lucifer said. “Just like I know why you’ve called me.”

It was an act, but it still pained Sam when she trembled. “You do?”

“I do.” A knowing grin curved his lips before he sneered, “You stink like Death, human.”

Sam bristled. He knew that Lucifer would immediately be able to tell that Polly was cloaked in his aura—after the two weeks they’d spent learning each other’s bodies in her apartment, it was inevitable—but he hated how Lucifer had to remind his soulmate who Sam really was.

Samael, angel of death.

Polly often murmured that she found his old occupation sexy. Sam couldn’t believe it, even when she finished stroking him to completion before demanding that he get on his knees before her. His little minx of a mate was insatiable, and he had more enjoyment these last two weeks than the two thousand years that passed before them.