Polly was giving him that scrutinizing look of hers again. “Why not do both?”

“Excuse me?”

“Let me ask you something. Does it bother you that I’m not a virgin?”

“What?” Sam shook his head. “Of course not. If there’s anyone who knows about having a past, it’s me. If it doesn’t bother you that I was one of the Heavenly Father’s angels of death, how can it bother me if you’ve had other lovers?”

So long as I’m the last one.

She patted him on the chest. “Good answer, handsome. And, for the record, it doesn’t bother me one bit. Told you. I like the danger… almost as much as I like you. And sex. I like sex a lot, even though it’s been a while since I’ve had any.”

Sam tried not to let the relief flash across his face. It was one thing to know she had other lovers, but it was nice to hear that they weren’t recent. He would’ve known if she had one lately, but what about last month? The month before?

He tried, but from the way Polly needled him in the side, he’d failed utterly.

“I’m glad to see you’re happy about my dry spell,” she teased. “Lucky for you, that means I’m pretty psyched to have a sexy as sin angel in my bed. And my past means I know plenty of ways to make both of us feel good without sealing the deal just yet. What do you think about that?”

“And you’re still going to help me figure out a way to get the talisman from Lucifer for my brothers and me?”

“Oh, Ace. Have you forgotten who you’re dealing with? When it comes to stealing things from those who don’t deserve to have them, I’m the best. I came up with at least three plans just last night.”

“So… does that mean you’re free tonight?”

Her laugh shot straight to his cock. “With everything I want to show you… to teach you… to do with you before I go to bed? Not even a little. And neither are you.”