Reaching out, she patted him on the shoulder. “If her mate can stand to leave her alone with me for a few minutes, I think I’ll be fine without my guardian angel at my back. Go on. I’ll call you when I need an escort out.”

Sam frowned. Behind her, she heard Becca suck in a breath, probably because no one often dared talk to the Angels of Sin City like that.

No one but Polly, that was.

Firming his jaw, Sam glanced to his left. She followed his stare to another werewolf. Like Zev, he was muscular with a head of thick dark hair, though his eyes were brown instead of green. The Dev who was watching Becca?

He might leave her alone with Becca, but—like Raze—he wouldn’t do it without some kind of guard.

When the werewolf nodded back at him, Sam exhaled. “Alright. Polly, when you’re done, please let me know. And I’m not escorting you. I’m just—”

“Being my guardian angel. I got it. Now go.”

She could tell that he wanted to argue, and it was kind of a surprise when he didn’t.

Once he was gone, Polly hopped onto the stool opposite Becca’s. The demoness was giving her a strange look that she chose to ignore. “So Sam tells me that you know Lucifer. And that you’re supposed to convince me that he’s real.”

Becca nodded. “And Raze tells me that you’re the woman who is going to steal the key back for them.”

“I’m gonna try.”

“Raze also told me that Sam said it would be impossible to talk you out of this madness. He’s all in, and he’s made it so that his brothers agree with him. Just… would you hate me forever if I tried anyway?”

With a grin—she’d just met Becca and already she liked her—she flagged down a waitress. After ordering a water with lemon for herself, with Becca asking for a soda, she waited until the blonde was gone before she leaned forward, her chin perched on her palm. “I won’t hate you, but Sam’s probably right. I get the money even if I can’t pull off the gig, but it’s a matter of professional pride. Besides, Lucifer can’t be that bad.”

Shadows turned Becca’s grey eyes almost haunted. “He’s worse.”

* * *

For the next ten minutes, Becca told Polly all about her time in the Pit, the corner of Hell where the turned humans worked for Lucifer and his demons. So absorbed by the hushed details, Polly barely noticed it when the waitress set down their drinks. She decided against ordering any food since some of Becca’s details admittedly had Polly’s stomach turning. Becca did the same, doing her best to impress upon Polly how monumentally bad of an idea it was to take on Lucifer.

Sam knew Polly better than she would’ve guessed, though. Because everything Becca said? It only reinforced her resolve. A prick like that didn’t deserve something that belonged to such a nice guy like Sam.

And if Becca frowned again when Polly called Sam nice, she ignored that, too.

Without Sam there, Polly took control of the conversation; Becca allowed it once she realized that Polly’s mind was made up. She wanted to know more about her angel and figured interrogating his brother’s mate was her best shot.

From Becca, she found out why exactly the Angels of Sin City needed that key. It was not only a key to the pearly gates of Heaven, but the only way they could ever return to the celestial cities up above. Without it, they were trapped in Purgatory.

Plus there was the little matter of Lucifer’s curse…

The curse sealed it for Polly. Even though just getting their missing talisman back wouldn’t break the latest curse Lucifer placed on the factions, Polly wanted to help.

Becca, bless her heart, still tried to dissuade her.

“Just be prepared. He might say that he wants to work with you now, but if he’s anything like Raze, he can get overprotective. Raze went nuts when Lucifer tried to use me against him, so my old boss knows exactly how to work up these guys. It gets easier once you have a bond and your angel can sense you’re not going anywhere, but until you do, just remember that Sam can’t help it. He’ll do anything to protect his soulmate.”

Twirling her straw, Polly gave a casual shrug. “Then I feel sorry for that chick, whoever she is. If he’s so overprotective when he’s doing his guardian angel gig, I can only imagine what it would be like to be his soulmate. He’d probably never let the poor thing breathe.”

Becca frowned.

Something about that frown had Polly’s back going up. This time she couldn’t ignore it. “What?”

“I… I’m just trying to figure out why you’re acting like you don’t know that you’re Sam’s soulmate.”

Polly’s normally steady hands jerked so suddenly, she nearly tipped over her glass. Righting it just in time, barely paying attention to Becca’s hurried, “You knew that, though, didn’t you?,” she hopped off of her seat.


Sam’s soulmate.

What the fuck?