In the end, Polly realized that she couldn’t possibly say no. Not because she believed that the Angels of Sin City would ever dream of retaliating if she refused their offer, but because she’d spend the rest of her life kicking her own ass if she passed up such a job.

So what if she stubbornly refused to believe in the religious aspect of God and angels, demons and the devil himself? Before she knew better, she thought werewolves and vampires were a crock of shit, too. Sam’s wings made a pretty compelling argument that he was an angel even if she’d only caught glimpses of them before. The rumors surrounding Lucifer being the lord of Hell had Polly reluctantly admitting that he might actually be a real being, too.

Was he the devil? Did he run around with horns and a pitchfork? Nah. Was she worried about him trying to claim her soul and drag her to the pits of Hell? Nope. She didn’t believe in it, and if it turned out she was wrong, she’d deal with that when the time came.

For now, it was all about plotting out her next score.

After fifteen years of becoming the best thief she could, Polly would be lying if she said she wasn’t tired of the same old same old. She longed for a challenge these days, only accepting a job when there was something unique about it; her reputation, while it might not mean much to Sam, was that she could afford to be choosy. Not only would this definitely be a challenge, but a score like this wouldn’t just be about the money.

Within her circle, she’d be a fucking queen. The pickpocket who stole something from Lucifer himself? She’d never have to buy her own drink at the Twilight Nights club for as long as she lived.

Before she accepted his job offer, though, she thought about his stipulation. There’d been no hint of the powerful casino owner she met that first night. Just like when she had that chat with him in the storage room, the Sam she spoke to on her rooftop was far more eager than aloof. He wanted her help badly, but Polly’s gut instinct said it had more to do with her than his need for any thief.

Why else would he throw in an additional 15K to be able to tag along?

Something told her that he’d be there anyway. She might as well get paid to tolerate her shadow, especially if he was going to insult her one minute, then hire her the next.

There was something about him. And maybe she was once again being reckless ol’ Polly Benson because, instead of putting distance between them, she was actually looking forward to seeing him again. She didn’t want him lurking in the shadows, or hiding out on her rooftop. Oh, no. She wanted to talk to him. To get to know him.

To figure out what it was about him that had her wishing that he saw her as a woman instead of a talented thief…

So, yeah. She had to take the job. And, the next morning, she got in touch with Sam to let him know that she was onboard.

Before she dialed the phone, she spent a few seconds debating whether or not she should use his true name before deciding against it. Everything she read about true names and how they affected factions like angels and the fae made it seem like an intimate way to contact someone. There was also a level of trust and commitment that didn’t make sense to Polly. Why had he given her his name when all the lore said that paranormals guard their names ruthlessly? She didn’t know, and before she read too much into it, she dropped the idea.

Remembering how he let his phone ring and ring incessantly before, Polly settled in to wait after she dialed his number. When it picked up on the first one, almost as if he’d been waiting for her, she blinked before recovering in time to say, “Hello? Sam?”


Was that relief in his voice? Wow. He hadn’t expected her to call at all, had he? Then again, she was nothing but a tarnished soul he had wanted to save before going ahead and hiring her when he realized that she was a lost cause…

Ah, well. For twenty-five thousand dollars, she’d be whatever he wanted her to be.

She didn’t waste time with any preamble. Both of them knew why she was calling, so she went straight to the point by telling him, “As long as I can trust you, I’m in.”

There was only the tiniest hesitation before Sam said solemnly, “That sounds great. When did you want to get started? Assuming you’re going to let me help.”

Fifteen thousand extra to feed his white knight complex? Sure. Why not? “I’m ready when you are.”

“Perfect. In that case, if you want to meet me at the Twilight Bar and Grille inside the hotel today, we can get started.”

Polly grinned, though he couldn’t see it. “Let me guess. Your brothers don’t want me in the casino?”

“In full transparency, no. At least not my eldest brother. Raze… well, he’s Raze. But don’t worry about him. I have someone else I’d like you to meet. Someone who has inside information about Lucifer. She might just be our saving grace.”

She, huh? Well that was something else that sounded interesting, wasn’t it? “I’ll meet you there for lunch. And, Ace? You’re buying.”

Sam chuckled. It struck Polly that it was the first time she’d heard him laugh like that.

Damn if it didn’t make her angel that much more attractive.

“Anything for you, partner.”

* * *

The Twilight Bar and Grille fit the theme of the swanky Twilight Sphere hotel.