And Sam wasn’t just thinking about the talisman—though he clung to his and his brothers’ plan like a lifetime.
It was the only chance he had.
“You asked why I’m here? It’s actually because I have a job offer for you,” blurted out Sam.
Not as suave as he wanted to be, but when one was propositioning his soulmate, an allowance or two could be made. Besides, it wasn’t like he had any experience when it came to convincing a woman to do anything.
She pursed her lips. “What kind of job?”
“I need you to steal a key from someone. He wears it on a gold chain around his neck, so you’d have to use your special skills to get it for me. If you do, there’s ten thousand dollars in it for you.”
A hollow laugh escaped her. “Really? One minute you’re telling me that I should give up thieving, and now you want to hire me? Aren’t you supposed to be an angel? I didn’t know you guys were such hypocrites.”
She wasn’t wrong. “I know. And I shouldn’t have said that before… but this is important. I talked to my brothers—”
“The other angel princes. Great. Just what I need, one of the royal factions talking about me.”
As Sam’s soulmate, she would always be a topic of conversation, a little tidbit he kept to himself for the time being. “They were both impressed at how you were able to pick the pockets of any faction being in the first place.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Impressed? Really?”
“Pissed, too,” he admitted. “Not gonna lie about that, but they were still impressed. If you could do that, you’re probably our best bet to get our key back from Lucifer.”
“Lucifer?” Another laugh, only this one was a little more amused than before. “Did you forget that I’m an atheist? I don’t believe in him, either.”
“If you take this job, before long, you will.”
“If you say so, Ace. And it’s 10K if I get this key thing off of this Lucifer guy?”
He’d give her more if she wanted it, but he didn’t want to scare her off too much. If he upped the amount, she would know there was more to him hiring her than it initially appeared. Which, well, yeah. And it wasn’t like she’d be facing Lucifer alone. He just needed her to use her sleight of hand to get the key. With Sam as her guardian angel, he’d stand between her and Lucifer in case things went sideways.
Raze agreed that ten thousand dollars seemed like a fair amount to offer to get her to try. But, on a burst of inspiration, Sam said, “Make it twenty-five if you let me tag along and help you plan this thing.”
She narrowed her gaze at him. “An extra 15K to let you continue playing guardian angel. Is that right?”
He would do it regardless. Might as well make it worth her while. “Yes.”
Her emotions were waffling, torn between suspicion and excitement, with a hint of anticipation thrown in the mix. She’d told him that fateful night she was after a challenge. What could be more challenging than stealing a key from Lucifer himself?
And maybe his little atheist didn’t believe in the devil, but she did say she believed in him. One thing for sure: Sam definitely believed in her.
“So? What do you say?”
“I’ll think about it and let you know.” Reaching into the pocket of her sweatpants, she pulled out her cellphone. “I know you have one. What’s your number?”
His soulmate should never have to rely on a phone to get in touch with him. “That’s not necessary. You can use my name like you did earlier. I’ll always answer that.”
Polly gave him a steely look. “Or you can give me your number.”
Sam gave her his number.