* * *

After she passed the martini glass off to the shorter angel—her angel called him Cael—Polly asked Sam if there was somewhere quieter they could go to talk. Everyone knew that the Angels of Sin City all made their home in the same hotel where they housed their casino, but if she expected he’d take her up to his room, she was disappointed when he brought her to a quaint storage room off of the third floor casino.

Polly thought quaint, though it was bigger than her living room back at her apartment, and it was filled with so much House of Sin merch, her palms tingled. It was obviously where they kept towels, monogrammed glasses, clothes, and more. It was, to her surprise, also pretty soundproof.

That worked for her.

Sam cleared his throat once the door closed behind them. “You wanted to talk to me?”

Polly looked up at him. The overhead light was brighter than the neons that lit up the casino. Here, she could take in his beautiful face, his sculpted features, those dark eyes… and the hint of nerves that he couldn’t quite hide.

Well, that was interesting, wasn’t it?

“I did,” she said, lacing her voice with enough innuendo that it made it obvious why she decided to make this move. He was gorgeous, and if he was into her, she’d be an idiot not to put feelers out. But first… “Way I saw it, if I let you watch me without saying anything, you never would. So I am. Come on, handsome. What’s up with that?”

Later on, Polly admitted if only to herself that she expected the angel prince to deny it. After all, why would Sam be watching her? She guessed, even if she didn’t know for sure, and it seemed so ridiculous that the only way she could move on was to prove it—or sleep with the angel.

Yeah, that would’ve scratched her itch, too. Pity it didn’t work out like that.

Because instead of telling her that he was interested in Polly Benson of all the souls in Sin City, he looked at her in confusion, like he thought she should’ve already known the answer.

And then he said, “Oh. Well, I like to think of myself as a guardian angel. Your guardian angel, actually.”

Ouch. Now that stung a little more than she wanted it to.

But who could blame her? After a month of sensing him out there, of knowing he was lurking over her head like some dedicated vigilante, of having him threaten Esther with barely two sentences to her… who wouldn’t have gotten the wrong idea?

How nice of him to clear it up for her.

It wasn’t her that he was interested in. Oh, no. He took one look at her in his security office, recognized her as some sorry soul in need, and turned her into his project. Death with a heart of gold… he wanted to save her, didn’t he?

Her smile didn’t waver. Of course not. In fact, she went ahead and bolstered it.

Ever since she was a kid, Polly had the same defense mechanism. Instead of being disappointed that he didn’t come out and say he was drawn to her the same way she was to him, she decided to infuse some humor into the situation.

She gestured at his back. “Some angel,” she said teasingly. “Where’s the wings?”

“My wings? I don’t usually keep them out when I’m around humans.”

Except for when he was flying overhead, watching her, that was.

“I see them sometimes. They’re white, right?”

Again, he seemed a touch nervous. That was so different from the suave angel who promised her next time that she had to wonder who was the real Sam.

He paused for a few seconds before nodding. “They are.”

Unless she was imagining it, it seemed like he was holding his breath. Almost as if he expected her to say something about the color.

Right. Because that was the strangest part about this man being able to have wings one minute, disappearing them magically the next, not the fact that he had them at all…

“Wow,” she said instead, keeping her tone light. “It’s still kinda crazy to me that you really have wings. It’s one thing to have heard the rumors about you and your brothers, but when I saw you flying with them… I guess I didn’t expect them to be real.”

“Why not? I am an angel.”

Polly snorted. She couldn’t help it.
