Sam didn’t bother denying it. Unlike Raze, who hid the truth of who the innocent little server he hired really was to him, Sam never pretended like Polly wasn’t his once his brothers figured it out. He just didn’t go around flaunting it because of Micah.

His brother acted as if he had gotten past losing his soulmate. And maybe outsiders believed that Micah had. Of the three princes, he had the best reputation and rightly so. Sam was Death incarnated, his time in Purgatory had turned Raze ruthless and hard, but Micah… he was as tender-hearted and good today as he was the day he chose to fall with his brothers rather than being left behind alone in Heaven.

“It’s not just lifemates, either. Now that more and more of the factions know what kind of game Lucifer is playing, they’re all searching for their talismans.”

“At least we know where ours is,” Micah said carefully.

What he didn’t say, though, was that there was no real reason for them to worry about going after it. On the one hand, according to Raze’s demoness, it was currently dangling off of a chain that was looped around Lucifer’s neck. On the other, even if they were able to get into Hell—which, as fallen angels, they couldn’t—it wouldn’t matter if they found some way to get it off of him or not. His curse would only be broken when the royals found their talismans and claimed their mates.

And after what happened to Micah’s witch, that was seemingly impossible. They were doomed to lose more and more of their already waning powers while Lucifer lorded it over their heads like the prick he was.

But just because Lucifer was sure he had the royal angels right where he wanted them, Sam wasn’t as convinced; especially since his innate sense of all things death and deadly had him questioning Phoenix’s fate these last four decades. He had to believe that there was a second chance for Micah to find happiness, the same way he wanted to give Raze back the key to the pearly gates that he mistakenly lost all those years ago. Sure, his brother might be too busy banging his soulmate to really care whether or not Sam made up for his screw-up, but the bloodthirsty side of Death he’d spent ages trying to deny just couldn’t accept that Lucifer had their talisman.

As far as he could tell, there was only one thing he could do about that: steal it back from their old enemy.

Luckily for him, Sam knew an excellent thief.

These last four weeks, he struggled to figure out a way to approach Polly again. Following his aura, he knew where she was at all times—usually what she was doing, too, since his soulmate was surprisingly a creature of habit—but as the weeks flew by, he still couldn’t bring himself to do it.

He wanted to. God, did he want to. When he remembered the way she flirted with him, how her touch seemed to burn, Sam thought… maybe. Maybe she would be the one female soul who saw past his former job and his current wealth, wanting him for him.

She was his fated soulmate. The other half of him, Sam believed that she was his only chance at making him whole. For millennia, he hadn’t even known how much he was missing until he saw the sparkle in her green eyes and heard the teasing way she called him ‘Ace’.

He had time to get her used to the idea of him, but Sam was greedy. He wanted to go to his Polly now and, with the reveal that Lucifer had their talisman, he finally had his excuse.

“We know where it is,” he confirmed, “and I know how we’re going to get it back.”

He didn’t have to spell out the plan to Micah. One glance at the determined yet excited look on his face and his brother was already shaking his head. “Sam. She’s your soulmate.”

Just because he hadn’t told Polly that yet didn’t make it any less true.


“And she’s a human.”

Once she bonded to him, she’d be as immortal as he was. Until then—

“That’s right.”

“You do remember how Raze almost lost his shit when Lucifer targeted Becca because she was his soulmate, right? Like, I just finished telling you about that before you headed up to interrupt them, and you remember that, right?”

Sam nodded, his grin curving a little more.

“And you think it’s a good idea to involve yours in this?”

He thought it was the best idea if only because it gave him the excuse that he so desperately needed. After that, it was up to him to convince her that he was a worthy male to be bonded to.

“We need a thief. Polly is a thief. What could possibly go wrong?”

Micah blinked. “You mean besides Lucifer capturing her because she tried to steal a key from around his neck?”

That was a complication to be sure. But after a month of watching her while she worked…

“I’ll just have to make it so that doesn’t happen, won’t I?”

After all, he was her guardian angel.