Of course she did.

Raze exhaled roughly, casting his eyes toward the ceiling before he reluctantly climbed out of the bed.

Whatever Becca wanted, Becca got.

Scowling—not at her, never at her—Raze found a pair of faded jeans in his dresser before stabbing his legs through them. He didn’t bother doing the button or even grabbing a shirt or shoes. Proclaiming himself dressed if only because his still wet, still hard, still aching cock was concealed, he waited until Becca pulled on her sandals before he led her toward the front door.

He could sense his brother’s celestial aura through the wood. There went any hope that Sam had a lick of shame, that he left the suite until Raze was ready to see him.

When Sam finally claimed his soulmate, Raze decided, he would make sure to return the favor. So what if the brothers were thousands of years old? Sibling rivalry was alive and well in the House of Sin.

With a huff, Raze waited until Becca was standing beside him before he flung open the door.

“Finally, I—” Sam’s jaw clamped shut when he noticed Becca right next to Raze. His dark eyes flickered over her—relief brightening them when he noticed she was fully dressed—before he nodded. “Rebecca, I assume?”

“I’d hope so,” she said sweetly. She held out her hand graciously. “And you can call me Becca.”

Sam took her hand, shaking it quickly before hurriedly letting go. His gaze danced back over to his brother, careful not to get too close to Becca.

Smart angel. There was a reason why Raze purposely kept his brothers from meeting Becca at first—and it had nothing to do with Becca, and everything to do with the possessive nature of a bonded male. Turned out, it wasn’t just shifters that felt the bizarre need to claim their mates. Angels were very much included in that mix.

No wonder Sam was so focused on saving that human thief of his.

Speaking of—

“What are you doing here?” Raze demanded. His first round with Becca had only taken the edge off. He was still hard, plus he was hungry. For breakfast, for a taste of her pussy… Raze wasn’t picky. He just needed to get rid of his brother first. “I thought you were busy.”

“Not as busy as you, Raze,” quipped Sam. He pointed at the open button on Raze’s jeans, then wiggled his fingers at the obvious bulge pushing up against the zipper. “Sorry for interrupting.”

“Like hell you are.” Raze snorted while Becca hid a giggle behind her hand. “Whatever. You needed something?”

“Well, yeah. If you’d picked up your phone at all last night, you’d know.”

Raze had purposely ignored its incessant ringing. He hadn’t taken more than a single night off from running the House of Sin since it opened back in 1953. Sue him for wanting a few days to honeymoon with his soulmate now that they were bonded.

“I left Micah in charge of the casino. If he needed anything, you could’ve helped.”

Sam was already shaking his head. “It’s not about the casino.”

Oh? “Alright. I’ll bite. What’s so important that you had to interrupt me and my mate? Because, I’m telling you, Sam, if the casino’s not burning down, then it had better be good.”

“It’s the talisman.”

Next to him, Becca went still. Raze didn’t blame her. The last anyone mentioned the angels’ talisman, it had been Becca telling him she caught sight of it hanging on a chain around Lucifer’s neck. She sacrificed a lot to come back to Raze to tell him what she knew about it—and then she turned him into the most blessed male alive when she bonded with him.

Lucifer’s curse made it very clear. If the three leaders of each individual faction found their talisman and their mates, his curse would be broken. But coming so close on the heels of Becca seducing him—choosing him—without him suggesting that she should, he was leery of hanging his hopes on the talisman.

Not that he didn’t want his powers back. A return trip to Heaven… sometime after meeting his soulmate, Raze decided that an eternity with Becca in Purgatory was better than going back to a place that hadn’t wanted him in millennia and all because he sided with Lucifer once upon a time, then lost his key.

But it wasn’t lost, was it? It was stolen by his old enemy, a fact confirmed by both Becca and Lucifer.

So what did Sam know now that Raze didn’t?

“Tell me,” he ordered.

Becca moved into Raze, gripping his upper arm lightly. He could sense her nerves returning as she watched Sam, waiting for his answer.

He’d known her for a handful of weeks, a blip in the time they would eventually share together, but already he could tell what was going through that gorgeous head of hers. Now that the curse was common knowledge—as was the way to break it—Becca was probably wondering if he only agreed to bond with her because claiming her as his soulmate was one step toward regaining his power.