Still, his instincts had him wheeling around. Just in case.

And there, stumbling down an empty street on the outskirts of Las Vegas, her red hair wild and the stink of sulfur covering every inch of his soulmate, he saw her.


Right as he arrowed his body and his wings toward the ground, almost in disbelief that their bond had almost subconsciously led him to her, he breathed in deep.

Fire and brimstone had never smelled so fucking good before.

As if she could sense him flying toward her, Becca stopped, staring up at the sky. When she let out a soft sob that carried on the wind, he knew that she saw him. He righted his body just before he touched down on the asphalt, snapping his wings behind him as he threw open his arms in time for Becca to fling herself at him.

As soon as his arms closed around her, Raze shuddered out a breath.

Suddenly, all was right in his world again.

Raze didn’t know how long he held onto her. All he kept thinking was that it was a good thing she was a demoness since a mortal female would never survive the way he squeezed her to him, unable to let her go just yet.

It was only when he swore he heard her voice over the thump of his racing heart that he finally realized that she was trying to say something. Her words were muffled against his chest as she buried her face into him, arms thrown over his torso as she clung to him. Raze still wasn’t ready to loosen his hold on her, so he didn’t, though he did lean back enough so that he could understand her.

When he did? He almost couldn’t believe it.

“Your talisman,” she repeated. “Your key. I know what happened to it.”

Her grey eyes glittered with something he couldn’t quite place. It wasn’t fear and it wasn’t nerves, but it was… something.

And then Becca dropped the bomb:

“Lucifer stole it. Raze, he has it.”