If only it worked.

With a long, drawn-out exhale, Raze admitted, “I wish I could. But, for me, brother… a soulmate was never in the cards.”

Micah’s pale eyes lit up as he offered Raze a reassuring grin. “Hey. We run a casino, Raze. What is that but a house of cards?”

* * *

Becca’s head snapped up as soon as she heard the knocking at her door.

It had been bowed over her clasped hands, fingers probing the familiar beads of her rosary as she prayed. It was the same routine she’d done every night before she prepared for bed: reflect over the day, moon over her growing feelings for Raze, pray that he wanted to stick around her just a little longer.

Maybe she was torturing herself. Apart from a few stolen kisses here and there, their… whatever they had… hadn’t progressed at all. He still sent her roses every day, visiting her at the casino when he could, even told her during quiet moments on the rooftop that he loved her—a feeling she reciprocated but could never say out loud—but she could already sense Raze withdrawing.

He barely touched her anymore. If she brushed up against him, he jerked, then quickly moved away, even though she was the one jolted by his celestial aura. The few times she made it clear she was open to initiating sex, he quickly shut her down.

Something was coming between them, and though their relationship had been fleeting, she didn’t regret the time spent with Raze. She only hoped that, when he moved on to the next damsel in distress, he didn’t forget the deal he made with her in the beginning.

As soon as the first round of knocking ended, she hesitated, though she crossed the room before the second round finished. Flinging open her door, she was stunned to find Raze—still completely dressed in one of his full business suits—standing out in the hall.

Becca had changed from her uniform into an old, comfy t-shirt and a pair of sleep shorts. Her hair was piled up in a messy bun on top of her head, her face clean of any make-up.

Her stomach dropped to see him so strikingly handsome as she stepped back, allowing him to stride royally into her room.

“Raze? I… did we have something planned tonight?”

He shook his head.

She hadn’t thought so. Another reason why she’d been convinced that he was slowly ending what they had going on.

Since they met, no matter what he was doing, he usually found her on the third floor at the end of her shift if they were doing something together. And while she’d seen him every night this last week, when he didn’t show up, Becca figured he was busy. After all, they didn’t have to spend every free moment together. Just like how last Saturday he had passed the evening with his brothers, Becca assumed he had big, head of the casino, hotshot things to do.

Now that he was here, though? She had another sinking suspicion.

This was it, wasn’t it? When Raze finally came to call things off.

Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Keeping her voice light, she said, “What’s up?”

“I know it’s late, but I just finished talking to one of my brothers and, damn it, he was right about something. I had to come to see you and tell you. I’m sorry, Becca. It couldn’t wait.”

“That’s okay,” she lied. “Come on in. Sit down. Make yourself comfortable.”

“If you don’t mind, I’ll stay standing.”

Yup. Definitely not a good sign.

Honestly, she’d been expecting this ever since their relationship had spread amongst the rest of the casino staff. Becca didn’t care; she could put up with her fellow servers’ good-natured teasing with ease. But Raze was the boss, plus one of the angel princes. He had to be getting more grief that he was slumming with a demoness who worked for him. And though Micah had a good reputation, the fact that she’d never met either of Raze’s brothers had been a huge, honking warning sign for Becca.

His brother was right? To Becca, that only meant one thing. Either Micah or Samael had made it clear to Raze that he was wasting his time with her. For the sake of their faction and their casino, they probably pointed out that it was better for the rest of them if he broke things off. And, from the look of things, Raze had agreed.

So, bracing herself for the inevitable answer, she asked softly, “What did you want to tell me?”

“I’m not sure how to do this, and it’s going to come as a shock regardless, so I’m just going to say it.”

Becca, we’re over. “Okay.”


She held her breath, willing herself not to cry.

“—you’re my soulmate.”

Wait. What?
