It took three weeks before Micah managed to corner him in the office and ask about Becca.

Rumors had been flying. Raze expected that once the other beings caught sight of the two of them spending time together. He almost thought Micah would ask after Raze accompanied Becca to the Twilight Nights Club last Saturday, but that was the night Sam finally—finally—made a reappearance so Raze dodged a bullet there.

Sam refused to tell them what he’d been up to which basically confirmed Raze and Micah’s suspicions: whatever it was, it had everything to do with Polly Benson. Especially since, the next morning, he was gone again without so much as a “See ya.”

But that was Sam for you.

Eventually, Raze began to think that Micah guessed. And, based on his history with soulmates, he wasn’t saying a damn word in case he jinxed it for his older brother. It would make sense, after all. The second he first met his witch, he shouted it from the rooftops that she was meant for him, only for her to disappear shortly after. He never found her again and, after forty years, Micah had long given up hope since even her coven had proclaimed her dead.

As it turned out, though, his oblivious brother had no idea. When he finally asked if Raze had decided to end his decades-long streak of celibacy with the new server, it was clear he had no clue that, instead, Raze was actually courting his soulmate.

His jaw dropped as soon as Raze begrudgingly admitted the truth before his light eyes shone with happiness for his brother.

“Are you fucking serious? That’s amazing, Raze! When can I meet her? I want to welcome my new sister to the family.”

His response wasn’t that unexpected. Even though he was lost without his mate, Micah had the best soul of the three of them. He wasn’t hardened like Raze, and he wasn’t trying too hard to prove he was good like Samael. Nope. Micah was inherently divine, and the only reason he fell with his brothers was that he was too loyal to stay behind in Heaven in the first place.

“Not yet, Micah.” As soon as he started to argue, Raze cleared his throat. “Look. She doesn’t know yet, okay? I don’t want to bring her around you guys until she does.”

Micah’s look of horror would’ve been hysterical if it didn’t reflect how awful Raze was feeling himself. The further he took things with Becca without telling her one teeny, tiny detail—like, oh, she was his soulmate—the worse it got. Especially since there was a good reason she didn’t quite know just yet.

“What are you waiting for? Don’t you remember what happened to me? You need to cement that bond while you still have the chance!”

Though he never wanted to use Micah’s story as a warning, he’d been telling himself the same thing for weeks. He could very easily lose Becca before their bond was finalized, but he was more worried about her rejecting him once she learned the truth.

He shook his head. “I want to. Trust me, I really fucking do. But I can’t. I can’t tell her now.”

“Why the hell not?” demanded Micah.

“Because I spent the last three weeks making it clear that this was a temporary arrangement,” Raze admitted bitterly.

His brother groaned. “Okay. And what the fuck did you do that for?”

“It seemed like the best idea at the time. You don’t know Becca. She’s… nice. Good. She believes the best in people. And...”

“And?” prompted Micah.

Raze huffed out a breath. “And she told me when we met that she swore off falling in love again. Bad history,” he said before Micah could ask. Considering his brother knew all about that, Micah let it go. “But she meant it. I sensed the truth in her words then, and when she asked me if I ever found my soulmate, I lied. I fucking lied, Micah.”

It was on one of their earliest dates, back when Becca hadn’t even realized they were dating. She’d gone into a little more detail about her contract, and the fucking idiot of a human who she sacrificed her soul for. Gabe Watson bought ten years extra time after Becca made a deal with Lucifer to save her high school sweetheart, though he dumped her the second she had. It seemed fitting that he barely got to enjoy his extended life, and that he ended up in Hell anyway, the asshole.

But while he was being tortured, she was the one sentenced to an eternity of servitude to the devil himself. The way Becca told him of her time in the Pit, she’d gotten off easier than her ex-lover, but barely. What made it worse was that Gabe had certainly earned his place in Hell while Becca—his sweet, innocent Becca who wouldn’t even swat a mosquito if it was biting her—only ended up down below because of her soft heart.

She deserved an eternity with a soulmate that worshipped her. Pity that couldn’t be Raze.

He understood that. But Micah?

His brother couldn’t.

“Tell her. What’s the worst that could happen?”

“She could tell me that she doesn’t want to be bound to me.”

“True,” acknowledged Micah, “but then you’d have closure. And maybe your demoness will surprise you. I mean, after everything I heard about the two of you together… it seems she’s pretty into you. Go on. Tell her the truth. Then maybe you could claim her and you can ride her instead of my ass for a change.”

He knew what his brother was doing. Like always, Micah was trying to lighten the mood, try to make Raze smile instead of his perpetual scowl.