He was her protector.

Hell, he was a freaking angel.

And, yet, when Raze offered to take her out to celebrate her freedom at the Twilight Bar and Grille that night, she forgot every single last one of those reasons.

Turned out, when she wasn’t pissing herself in fear that he would turn her away and she’d be left at the mercy of Lucifer, sitting down to have a meal with Raze was actually really nice. In fact, the evening was so incredibly enjoyable that when Raze invited her out the next night, she said ‘yes” again before she even thought about it.

Besides, it wasn’t like his unexpected interest in her would last, right?


That first dinner was just the beginning. At the end of every shift—whether it was six in the evening, four in the morning, or noon—Raze was there to take her to dinner. Eventually, dinner turned into breakfasts when he was free, and exploring the whole of the Twilight Sphere hotel on her off days.

At first, she thought he was being kind. That’s what angels did, right? They were good. Kind. Caring.


She crossed herself whenever she imagined Raze out of the business attire he habitually wore. He was beautiful in the face, if hardened and cold, but that body of his… he’d removed his suit jacket a few times, revealing a thin, white button-down molded to the most perfect torso she’d ever seen. His thighs were a thing of beauty, and that ass—


But he was also so far out of her league, she couldn’t imagine what he was doing, spending all of his time with her. She finally had to admit that while he was good and kind and caring in his gruff kind of way, Raze wasn’t nice. Their dinners together weren’t because he felt like he had to take care of her. The way he stared when he thought she wasn’t paying attention wasn’t part of their bargain.

And the single rose that arrived in a plain glass vase every morning just for her wasn’t something he did for all the damsels in distress he saved—mainly because, the more she learned about the infamous Raziel, the more she finally understood why Ariel tried to talk her out of relying on the Angels of Sin City to help her escape her contract.

Raze only helped someone when he was getting something out of it. Almost as bad as one of the fae, he relished bargains, and he had no problem cheating to get what he wanted.

For some unknown reason, Raze seemed to have decided that he wanted her.

There was no denying it. Even for someone as oblivious as Becca—who had a habit of mistaking flirting as friendship, and true love as a pointless fling that lost her her soul—she finally figured out that Raze was claiming her as his.

The way he scared off Anthony the werewolf should’ve been the biggest clue. Or how he asked her after the first rose delivery if she liked his gift.


It was one night, about two weeks after she first started working at the casino, when he stopped talking in the middle of his sentence only to lower his head and steal her lips in the faintest of kisses that Becca finally caught onto the fact that Raze—surprisingly enough—was into her.

It was a fleeting kiss, almost as if he was testing how she would receive his advances. And, sure, she had sworn that she would never fall in love again after what Gabe put her through, but this wasn’t love. This was undeniable attraction and gratitude and a sexual chemistry that she’d been fighting to ignore since the moment Raze walked into the bar and she felt a punch in her gut.

It wasn’t forever. If she was being honest, she doubted that his attention would last out her first month of employment. He was keen to keep whatever they had a secret, and Becca was more than happy to go along with it. While working under Lucifer, no one would ever accuse her of sleeping with the boss for extra benefits. Though their relationship hadn’t gotten that far, she was damned if she’d ruin the good thing she had going now.

Just because the casino was called the House of Sin, it didn’t mean she had to act like it really was.

Still, there was no denying the reality. Within a few weeks of meeting, she found herself dating one of the Angels of Sin City—and she’d never been happier.

Too bad it wouldn’t last.