Sometimes, she had to resist the impulse to place down her tray and follow after him. It was almost a compulsion, and one she struggled to ignore.

It would be so much easier if he didn’t look at her the way he did. As if she was a woman, and not a lowly demon. As if she deserved to be under his protection rather than just a means to an end for the infamously shrewd businessman.

In the days since she started as a server, she’d gotten used to being watched. It was usually harmless, though. The patrons who ogled her the most tended to be the biggest tippers so she didn’t really mind. She’d been able to dodge any of their advances, each one taking her rejection pretty well.

Of course, when the casino’s security team was made up of bulky, powerful werewolves, the patrons—whether they were faction or human—tended to be pretty well-mannered. And that wasn’t even taking into account the owners’ reputations.

She felt safe in the casino. Safer than she had in longer than she could remember. The pay, so far, was good, the patrons generous, and she’d only been there for a week. There’d been no sign of Lucifer or any of his henchmen; in fact, she was the only human-turned-demon in the casino as far as she could tell, if not the whole hotel. It seemed as if Raze knew what he was doing when he said he could protect her from Lucifer.

Now, if only she could protect her heart from him.

As she passed her by, Candi nudged Becca in the side. She fought the urge to wince; her fellow server was a fairy and, while delicate, she had the pointiest elbow. Instead, she glanced over at her.

Cocking her empty tray against her hip while using her equally pointed chin, Candi gestured beyond the poker tables.

Becca looked.

Well. That would explain it.

Raze was standing there, lurking in the shadows just out of reach of the glitz and glamour and neon lights of the casino. Every now and then, the lights would flare, throwing his beautiful features into relief, while he leaned against the wall at his back. He had his legs braced, his arms crossed over his broad chest.

And he was watching her.

As she met his stare, he didn’t move. Honestly, she wasn’t even sure he blinked.

Becca waved.

He nodded, but stayed in the shadows.

Candi was the first of the servers to introduce herself to Becca. They shared the same shifts, and Cael—the floor manager for the whole casino—left Candi to train Becca her first night. They’d become fast friends since then, even if Candi found it adorable that Becca had one of the big bosses looking out for her.

Without going into details why, she tried to explain that Raze just wanted to make sure she was adjusting to the job all right. Candi patted her sweetly on the shoulder before joking that she hoped Becca remembered the little people when Raze finally pounced.

Since she didn’t think that would happen, Becca just shrugged Candi’s teasing off.

In exchange for the information on Lucifer’s curse, he was watching out for her. That was all.

And she managed to convince herself of that until one of the werewolf security members joined Candi and Becca near the edge of the casino floor.

Though he was nowhere near as beautiful as Raze, Anthony was ruggedly handsome in a wolfish sort of way. With his shaggy, dirty blond hair and bright gold eyes, he was as sinful as most other beings in this city. And, since the first night Becca worked the floor, he’d been finding reasons to stop her and chat.

He’d already asked her to dinner twice before. Because he seemed like a nice guy, Becca kept pushing him off. He tried to lay it out like she was new to the Twilight scene and he was just interested in giving her a tour, but then she caught his shifter’s gaze roving over her body and she knew exactly what he was interested in touring—and it wasn’t the hotel.

She settled on a maybe, if only because it might be nice to go out to dinner with someone else eventually. Each time she did, he took the rejection graciously, though that didn’t stop him from asking again anyway.

After the three of them made small talk for a few seconds—all they could really spare without Cael getting on their ass—Becca was expecting Anthony to ask her what time she was getting off shift when, instead, he chuckled under his breath.

“Uh oh,” Anthony said jovially. “Incoming.”

Candi immediately lifted her tray. “On that note, I’m out. Sorry, guys. I need this job too much to piss off one of the princes.”

One of the—

Becca spun around.

Gliding through the crowd, moving like a shark who had an unblinking gaze locked on its prey, she found him.


And she was his target.