Page 63 of Ruthless Legacy

Verity’s expression changes from one of reassurance to discomfort and she chews vehemently on her bottom lip. “Okay, you haven’t looked at your phone this morning?”

I shake my head and rest my bum against the desk behind me. “No, I’ve been in class. What’s going on Verity?”

With a sigh, she pulls out her phone and moves to stand beside me. “See for yourself.”

She presses play on a video, and I take a second to process what I am seeing. Is that? Fuck no, it isn’t. I lean in closer, the video now having my full attention. There’s no doubt the couple having sex are me and Archer. You can see everything, as the camera angle has a great side-on view of the bed.

My cheeks flush and a roll of nausea washes over me. Vee presses pause and stands herself in front of me, searching my face with concern.

“Are you okay?”

I stare blankly at her for a beat. “Am I okay? No, I’m not fucking okay. There’s a goddamn sex tape of me and Archer!! I’m naked.” I stand and begin to pace up and down the classroom. “I’m going to kill that fucker,” I hiss. I am livid, shaking in anger. “I should have known he was reeling me in to play with me.”

“Wait, what?” Vee stops me in my tracks, holding out her hand to interrupt. “You don’t seriously think this was Archer?”

“Yes, of course I fucking do!” My voice raises a decibel as my anxiety increases. I turn on my heels and yank open the door, hearing it bounce back off the wall with force. I step back out into the main corridor, and everyone stops and stares.

One boy whistles at me and winks. “Nice tits, Eliza.”

I glare at him and turn my attention down the corridor until I spot exactly who I am looking for. The three of them are huddled over by their lockers, heads bent and deep in conversation. I march over there like a woman on a mission. When I reach them, I shove Archer from behind, making him stumble into the other two. He turns with a growl, looking like he is ready to take someone’s head off.

“Scarlet. What the fuck?”

I glare at him, folding my arms across my chest and tapping my foot, too agitated to keep still. “Exactly! What the fuck? It was you, right?”

Archer grabs my arm and pulls me towards a classroom; I resist and try to remain where I am, but he is a lot stronger than me and as much as I fight him, he manages to get me inside the empty room and pins me against the wall. I roll my eyes when the other two follow in behind us with Verity at the back and she closes the door, shutting out the avid crowd that has gathered.

“Get the fuck off me.” I try to knee him in the balls, but he blocks me, holding me in place.

“Will you calm the fuck down,” he exclaims, holding my wrists at either side of my body.

I scoff. “Calm down. The entire school has seen me naked and bouncing on your dick, Archer! I won’t calm down. I’m fuming. Did you have this planned all along?”

“Will you shut up for two pissing seconds and let me get a word in, love?”

I scrunch my eyes and scowl. “Don’t call me love. I’m not your love.”

Archer sighs and leans into my face. “Read my lips, Scarlet. I didn’t post that video. I didn’t film us. That’s not the way I operate. This is someone amateur, it’s juvenile. If I wanted to destroy you, I would come up with much better ways than a sex tape.”

I glare at him, my chest heaving with pent up rage. “You expect me to believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth?”

“Yes,” he growls, “I do. Because it’s the truth. I swear on the lives of my two brothers here.”

“He’s telling the truth, Red,” Seb pipes in from behind. “I’m telling you; he didn’t do this.”

“Well, if you didn’t do it, then who the fuck did?”

My phone chooses that moment to start persistently buzzing in my blazer pocket and I pull it out and grimace when I see my grandfather’s name on the screen.

“Hey Gramps,” I say, wincing in anticipation.

“Eliza. Care to explain why someone has sent me a very graphic video of you and Archer?”

Before I can reply, Archer takes my phone from out of my hand. “Wilbur. Someone planted a camera in your granddaughter's bedroom. Did the security company not do a full sweep of the house?”

Archer’s frown deepens as he listens. “This isn’t good enough. Someone has waltzed into your home and planted a camera and videoed your granddaughter and now half the Bay have seen it.” He nods, listening. “I’ll leave it in your hands.” Sighing, he holds my phone out to me. “Wilbur’s getting his legal team on it. The video will be down in no time.”

I snigger. “A bit too fucking late. I imagine most people have watched it and probably even saved it to their phones!” I rub a hand over my face. “Ugh, some sicko will probably use it as wank material.”